The Ultimate Betrayal

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Tristen-Jake, just talked to everyone

Alissa-Good, What did everyone say

Tristen-Ya,Everyone is going to try to protect her

Alissa-Do they suspect you

Tristen-They don't suspect a thing about me

Alissa-Remember the plan

Tristen- Ya

Tristen's POV

Ever since I met Erika, I liked her. When Jake and Erika announced that they were a couple it really hurt my feelings, I was planning a romantic date to tell her I love her. It hurt me even more. Erika was suppose to be mine. When they got "married" I thought it was just for the vlogs, it really didn't hurt me because I thought it was fake. When Alissa contacted me and said she wanted to get Jake back, I saw it as a chance to tell Erika I love her. When I walked into the house Jake was walking up the stairs going to take a shower. I walked into the office and Erika was working on her computer. I pulled a chair up next to her.

Tristen- Hey Erika, can I talk to you for a minute 

Erika- Sure, Tristen what's up

Tristen- Ever since I met you, I have had a crush on you

Erika- That is so sweet of you but I am with Jake

I lean in a kiss her, she pushed me back and screams for Jake

Jake's POV

I was about to get in the shower when I heard Erika scream my name. I grabbed a pair of Jake Paul sweatpants(always plug) threw them on and ran downstairs and saw Tristen trying to kiss Erika. She kept screaming, by now everyone was coming to help out. I ran up to Tristen pulled him up and punched him in the face

Jake-What the hell Tristen that my wife

Tristen-I told you in the very beginning that I liked her

Jake-She is pregnant with my babies dude 

Tristen- She should be married to me

Jake- Get out of my house, you are no longer part of Team 10. Get out before I call the cops.

Chance and Anthony grabbed Tristan by the arms and dragging him out of the house. Once they brought him out

Chance-Why would he do that

Anthony- Wait did you say babies as in more then one 

Jake- Ya, We forgot to tell you we are having twins, and Erika are you ok

Erika-Ya, just a little shaken up

Tessa-Is he working with Alissa

Jake-Most likely

Nick- At least we are ok

Jake- We need to be on high alert for Alissa and Tristan they may try to do something to try to get any of us hurt, We can never be alone

Uncle Kade walked into the house.

Uncle Kade- Hey guys why is Tristan walking down the street with a bloody nose

Jake- He was trying to kiss Erika and we think he was working for Alissa

Uncle Kade-Are you guys alright

Erika- Ya, We are ok

Jake- None of us can be alone they may try anything

I took Erika upstairs with me. She sat on the bed why I jumped in the shower. When I walked out she was sitting on the floor in the closet doing her make-up. She is so beautiful already she doesn't need make-up. Dang, How did I get so lucky. I married the woman of my dreams, she is carrying my children.

Erika's POV

After looking around for my eyeliner I looked up and saw Jake staring at me through the mirror,

Erika-Jake, what are you doing

Jake-Looking at you


Jake-Thinking about How I got so lucky to have you in my life

Jake walked behind me and started rubbing my back

Erika-How did I get so lucky to have you in my life

Jake-Hey, I got go and edit the vlog

He kissed me and walked downstairs

Jake's POV

I was not going to edit a video, I was planning a romantic picnic for me and Erika, I was wanted us to be legally married so I am going to propose to her at the picnic

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