Logan got a Girlfriend?!?!?

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Jake's POV

We were on our way home from the hospital. But we had to stop at Ralph's to get some burgers, hot dogs, hamburger buns, and hot dog buns. When we were in the store we got a couple of stares. We also met a few Jake Paulers. We got the stuff and headed to the Team 10 house. When we got in the house and everyone wanted to hold the twins. 30 minutes later Logan, Evan, and Ayala showed up.

Erika: Hey, Ayala

Ayala: Hey Erika, Where are the twins? I wanna meet them so badly

Erika: They are over here

Erika's POV 

I lead Ayala over to the twins. She started cooing over them. 

Ayala: They are so cute

Erika: Thanks, Journey is on the right and Angela is on the left.

Jake's POV 

Logan: I have some news

Jake: What is it?

Logan: Ayala and I are dating

Jake: Congrats Man!

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