Chapter Two: Max & Rudeness

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"David," Max said with his usual angry face and tone. "Why the hell would you take me to a police station? Are you finally turning me in for everything I did at camp? Was it that time with Space Kid and the ceiling fan that did it or when I got both your hands stabbed?I bet it was setting Quartermaster's room on fire." He was trying find a more recent example but the most recent bad thing he's done to either camp counselor was trying put fire ants in their beds. Shitty thing to do, yes, but hardly enough to be arrested over.

They stood in front of the doors to the semi large building with jaded and muted colors, clearly a little run down but it fit with every other old and run down building in this town. The letters that read Police Station where slowly falling off their hooks, the I's and T's hung loosely. "No, Max! Of course not!" David was still trying make the situation a cheerful or at least not so gloomy atmosphere for Max's sake. If Max focused on insulting David's dumb joyful tone instead of loathing his parents maybe he would be more likely to cooperate, if that made any sense. When it came to Max and David's relationship it was an odd and half functioning... almost father-son view. Well, David liked to think of it as a father-son thing but he knew Max most likely didn't.

"We need call up your parents so they can pick you up and we can finally go the hell home," Gwen said, obviously tired and annoyed she still had deal with more of Max's shit before getting to go home. Of course Max would somehow make her suffer for as long as possible. But, this wasn't Max's fault so she couldn't really blame him. She became three times as mad at his parents, more than she already was.

"Okay," Max said slowly processing what that meant. "I don't like this but whatever. Fine." He knew this wouldn't be over as soon anyone would hope but he also knew that it was better than desperately trying find his way home, alone and scared. Even if he wouldn't admit, Max was deathly afraid of being neglected and abandoned, especially by David and Gwen. It use to make him panic but he's become overly use to it.


"Come on, Max!" David's voice broke through his thoughts. His parents weren't going show, he was reminding himself. "Lets go and get you home safe and sound back to your parents." Max wouldn't be surprised if it took a week for him to be forcibly back in the care of his mother and father. His stomach burned and he felt angry again. Upset at his parents who never wanted him around and constantly ignored him and when they didn't, treat him poorly.

Why would they have a kid they clearly didn't want?! Max thought bitter and desperately confused in his own anger.

He sat in a silence, almost calm looking while David talked to the police. Gwen was too nervous to do it and sat next him, her leg bouncing quickly up and down for seemingly no reason.

He tuned in and out of David talking. He huffed and muttered under his breath, "this is pointless they won't show." He didn't understand how no one realized this.

"Come on, Max." Gwen said with a small smile but than sighed. "I won't lie and say they were probably busy. Parents shouldn't forget or purposely leave their kid at camp. It's messed up and I'm sorry but you'll be alright. David and I got your back, you little shit bag." She ruffled his hair and Max swung his arms at her to get her stop. Although, he was thankful.

Looking over at David, he seemed to have charmed the cop he was talking to and were having a nice conversation. When he started walking back to them, cop on his tail, Max felt uneasy suddenly. Oh geez, time for him to have explain shit.

"Well, hello there, son! It's very nice meet you!" The police officer said cheerfully to Max.

"Fight me." Max replied and although he found it funny everyone else didn't. He meant it too.

"Excuse me?" Said the cop.

"You heard me."

"Max..." David was trying warn him to behave. Gwen now even more nervous than before. "What? I'm not going play nice to any cop and especially when he's some lame guy that does the stupid cheerful bull shit with a big dumb smile, David." Max said although he felt like he should've just bit his tongue. Should've but wouldn't.

"My smile isn't dumb," the cop said sadly with a small slouch. "And my daughter thinks I'm cool."

"He didn't mean anything by it, Sir. He's just like that sometimes." Gwen said quickly with a nervous shake of hands.

"Oh, alright." The cap straightened up but still a like glum. "Right. Okay. We get cases like yours all the time so it shouldn't be too much trouble."

Max interrupted.

"Do you actually help them when they're colored like me without a white guy calling shots or...?" It was an honest question.

"Anyways," the police man ignored him. "We just need some information. Maybe his camp papers would do." As the cop talked Max's thoughts went on with every shitty thing he saw police officers do. On the news or in person.

Than he realized what the cop was actually saying and he put two together.

"There's no information on my camp forms." He was looking at the ground. "Just my age and my name, not even my full name. Just Max. They didn't want me home. There's no way to trace them back..." He felt more anger in that moment than he has ever felt in his whole life. He didn't know what to do and hot tears started running down his cheeks.

So he started running down the street. He felt panicked in his rage. Jumped out his seat and booked his high tail outta there. He didn't get far but still gave David and Gwen a run for their money as they found him in the corner of a near by ally.

"Oh, Max..."

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