Chapter Three: Pushing It To The Max

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"Oh, Max..."

David took a careful step towards Max while Gwen nervously stood behind him.

This wasn't like him. He's meant act out differently. Angrily cussing and insults, he's meant be a shit. Max doesn't get emotional and cry like this. But than again, Max was only ten. Gwen thought as David bent down to Max's level and hesitantly put a hand on his shoulder.

"Come on, little buddy. Lets get you back home" he said softly like he was talking to a startled and injured deer. Max curled into himself and said "David, am I really that bad? Like, I know I can be a shit but they didn't even put a last name. They never even asked what camp I wanted, I was just left there."

Gwen got closer as David tried find something to say, his eyes not really focusing on anything but Max's sullen expression. "They don't want me, camp was just to get rid of me." The young dark hair boy muttered. Max wanted cry but kept himself from doing so in spite of himself, only a few stray tears slipping down his flushed cheeks.

David stood there for a moment and stared at the grimy and graffiti riddled wall of the alleyway they were in, deep in thought. "We'll get you back home, Max. Don't wo-" Gwen was saying before David abruptly interrupted her. Turning on his heels and faced her, a determined look in his eyes.


"What?" Both Gwen and Max said.

"He doesn't deserve to go back to a home where he isn't wanted, where he isn't treated right. Max," David's tone of voice was almost unmatched to any other time he spoke to either Gwen or Max, he'd only ever sounded so monotone but still gentle in the pizza house they went during the summer. The first time anyone ever realized his parents true nature of negativity on him. "Max, how would you like if... I... if I uh..." he tried to look for the right words as the younger boy gave him a questionable look, using his hoodie sleeve to whip the last of his tears.

"If I became your... legal guardian?" David gave him a crooked smile. "You wouldn't have to go back home where you feel unloved. You'll be with me and I know you must hate me but I still love you like my own. You deserve better, Max."

Max stared at the space between David and Gwen completely blanking in response. "Max?" Gwen asked.

His face was flushed and his eyes burn but he refused to willfully cry in front of anyone. You cry yourself to sleep, not in front of people. "Would you actually?" He didn't want believe anyone would see him as anything but a burden. That's what he was. Anyone that told him otherwise was lying to him and themselves.

"Of course!" David said as cheerful and honest as ever. "You deserve to have a home where you feel loved. Max, I'm sorry you're parents don't care but you shouldn't have to go back there if you don't want too."

"Don't tell anyone," Max started to say as he stood up and dusted himself off. A cold breeze picked up and Max stayed looking at the ground. "I don't completely hate you guys. Just... don't fucking tell anyone but you guys don't... suck." He sounded tired.

They stood across from each other in the alleyway, silent. Gwen hugged herself from cold and David looked down at Max who refused to make eye contact, he balled his fists tightly on both his sides and knuckles turning pale from the pressure. He opened his eyes and looked up at the two adults.

"Promise you won't get tired of my shit?" Max smiled at them.

"Promise you get tired of my cheerfulness?" Said David who's grin was the biggest it could of possibly been. "Or hearing about my trashy shows and books?" Gwen cut in leaning an elbow on David.

He looked at her with a puzzled expression. "Hey, me and David are going share an apartment now and besides, like hell David here can manage you on his own." She winked with a finger gun after she ruffled David's hair. They did seem to grow close during the summer.

"You guys are sharing an apartment now?" Max asked who stepped closer to them. He felt less panicked and more eased. "Yeah. It just kinda makes sense, oddly enough. Come on," she said waving her hand so the two would follow her out of the alleyway and back to the police department. "We get to share rent and we're use to already living with each other. Plus, David is the kind of support I need when it comes to getting a job. So yeah it just-" David interrupted her.

"So it just makes sense! Isn't it great?" David was ecstatic about it. They walked back into the police station with the cop who had been wanting for them with a stack of papers to fill out. "Uh, yeah, I guess." Max shrugged.

David and Gwen started talking to the police man to work out how they could actually get custody of Max and report his parents. Max stared at them and sneaked out back to the car to grab his backpack to find Mr. Honeynuts who he gently pet and hugged tightly. He felt the back of his neck, cigarette burn marks and scars riddled his skin there and on his legs. He sighed deeply.

"David is really going try for us being a family. The damn happy idiot. He's always pushing me to be better." Max said to no one but the stuff toy.

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