Chapter Seven: Max 420 Bake It

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Max and David marched to the kitchen. Gwen would follow short after them. The apartment was small and talking at normal volume meant everyone could hear you from where you were with ease. So David tired keep his voice down when telling Max how make pancakes with blueberries and chocolate chip in them, both their favorites. "First you need make the batter," David said. Max watched him while sitting on the counter.

Outside it was was softly raining but the sun was still out. "Want make them into fun shapes, Max?" David asked with a big grin on his face. Max perked up and smiled devilishly with an eager nod of the head. "Make them into dinosaurs" Gwen called out as she walked out the bathroom, towel drying her hair. "That'd be pretty neat."

"Right-o! What about you, Max?" David cheerfully gleamed. Max weighed his head side to side pretending to think. "Can I make one for you in a surprise shape?" He finally said, he half smiled and although his face always rested angrily he would keep that semi smile on his face the whole time he tired make the pancake. "Sure thing, kiddo!"

Max hopped off the counter and waved over to Gwen. "Help me out, woulda?" Gwen walked past David who went to make the eggs and toasts for everyone else. "Alright."

Almost a full 30 minutes pasted by of cooking and playful banter until everyone was done and ready to eat. The whole room smelt of pancakes and fresh bacon, Gwen and David sat together sipping a shared coffee as David never finished his coffee because it made him more bouncy than he already was, and Gwen hated to waste good coffee. So they shared. Max grinned widely at his pancake creation he made just for David with the help of Gwen, she had gotten the finest of details just right to pull it off. The two adults sat down ready to eat as Max covered the pancake with a large white napkin, wanting to make a show of the whole thing.

"Ready for your pancake, David?" Max questioned with the same grin that said he was up to something. "You beatcha, Max! A pancake by you must be full of love- or some kind of emotion at least, but it's made by you and Gwen my favorite people so it must be good!" David beamed as he was oh-so-happy to get Max to enjoy spending time with him. Something that was overly hard during camp, the last place Max wanted be or so he thought.

Gwen covered her mouth as to hide her laughter while Max placed down the plate and ripped off the napkin to reveal what Max and Gwen had made. "Oh, Max its- uh an odd shape...." David's smile turned into a slight frown turning his slightly to the side but he thought not to be rude The pancake in question was in the shape of penis. Double chocolate. Milk chocolate filling that was dripping from the tip. "How creative of you...." David still struggled to have a child friendly and positive spin on it. Gwen couldn't stop laughing and Max smiled in joy as he watched David stare at the pancake penis with a red face unable to get a happy-go-lucky comment out of his mouth.

"Aren't you going try some. David?" Gwen asked grinning. "O-of course." David faked a smile and picked up his fork trying find a spot to start from. The chocolate balls or the base with the white chocolate dripping down it, or maybe the tip that also had the white liquid coming of it. He poked once causing it to squirt slightly. "Come on, David!" Max almost whined. "At least try just the tip." Gwen lost it by now laughing loudly as David quickly tried to take a small piece but instead the whole pancake lifted onto his fork.

Forced to eat it like that David went tip first as it was the easier place to start and took a deep bite. "Its great," he said through a mouth of dick pancake. "Really drippy though." The white chocolate dripped from his mouth down to his chin, he wiped it off his face before it fell onto his pants. Gwen wiped a tear from her eye from laughing so hard, "yeah, I bet. Can't believe you deep-throated it with no problem. Is there something you haven't told me yet, Davy?" Gwen smiled drinking her coffee. Red faced David gave his friend a knowing look and shook his head, cleaning his face with a napkin. "Yeah, David" Max pipped in eating his own food.

"I don't know what I'm going do with the both of you," he half smiled and tried to cut up the pancake to better eat it. "Also, this is very sweet and chewy so good for a first try but there is lots of room for improvement!" Max frowned a bit as he was proud at how good it was to him but he thought each your own and said nothing. "Which means we can get more creative with the shapes, right Max?" Gwen grinned taking a bite of her eggs. "Hell yeah" he softly laughed.

David rolled his eyes and as it was quite in the room for moment the phone rang. "Must be the foster people. They said they'd call in the morning" Gwen said absentmindedly eating. Max looked at Gwen then at David. "I got it then." David stood up and walked over to the phone that lay placed on a small table in the living room which was only a few steps away from the kitchen in the tiny apartment.

David answered the phone with the same bright tone he always had with anyone, but quickly the smile went to a frown of concern and fear. Max and Gwen noticed it as soon as they saw his face turn sour and fearful. And then, as if a wave of  uneasy had washed over them, the voice on the phone loudly laughed, loud enough to be heard by all three. David was slightly shaking now and listened carefully to the person on the other line, his face in a confused and puzzled frown. David's heart skipped a beat when he heard the last line. Unsettly putting the phone back down, he looked between Max and Gwen with a white face. The two looked on with a questioning look, almost worried.

"David? David who was on the phone? Was it the foster people?" Gwen asked, sobered out of her laughter. David swallowed hard like there was still some dick pancake stuck in his throat, but he had already washed it all down. There was nothing to cause the lump in his throat that made his voice crack and shake like it did when he finally spoke.

"Mr. Campbell. He's out. Gwen, he escaped. He's coming. Gwen, I'm going be sick!" David was shaking like a leaf in the wind and Max sat there wide eyed and even started feel nauseous himself. Unease ting raising up in all three of their spines. Gwen's face went pale and her hands tighten around her coffee cup.

Mr. Campbell was now a free man. Not by choice of the law but from escaping with a new friend he made, Daniel. And they were out for David's head.

David dropped to the floor out of fear and shock, hitting his head on the sharp head of the table the phone was placed on. He passed out from the impact and cut the side of his head, his blood now staining the rug. Max spat out his food but couldn't move from the fright of emotions he felt. Gwen shot up from her chair, scared to say the least.


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