8.)A plan

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Leonardo pov
Ugh my head hurts "ouch!" I said "LEO YOUR AWAKE" Papa (Laurence) said then hugged me I hugged back "where am I" violet  said "LIAYLA YOUR AWAKE" papa said then hugged her and she hugged back "is Kal stuck in the malico dimension? papa" I said "huh? Wait hold on one moment" papa said then left and then came back with dad "Leo what is this malico dimension?" Dad (garroth) said "it's where they go and turn you into a shadow knight but once they turn you they'll become evil forever but there is a cure" I said "and what is the cure?"papa Said "I know it" violet said

Lialya pov
"I know it" I said "before we get to the cure.who told you all this?" Dad said "wait one moment plz" I said and went to the book shelf and found a book that said top secret do not touch then put it on the floor and kicked it to Finn he then opened it and showed it to papa and dad there eyes then widen "W-where d-did you g-get this?!" Papa stuttered "it was always here" Finn said they went silent for a moment "we'll be back stay here with your sister" dad said

Laurence pov
We then went downstairs and sat on the couch "are we gonna tell the guys?" I said "yeah lets go" garroth said and we left then drove off to Zane and Travis's house bc that's also where vlyad and Dante are at this moment we then went over there walked up Zane and Travis steps then knocked on the door Travis then opened it "hey guys what brings you here?" Travis said "Travis...lialya and Leo found this" garroth said then showed the book and his eyes widen he then gestured us to come in we then went in and saw vlyad,Dante,and Zane


Trent pov
I've been over hearing my uncles and my parents conversation I have to tell them but I'll also need a plan I then went upstairs quietly and got my phone out

T-Trent z-zanvis m-Mavis b-breanne l-Leo lv-lialya dm-Malachi m-Malcolm v-Vanessa

Z and m-SPILL
L-it's about the dimension right?
lV-I think its something else bc papa and dad looked very shock of a picture of that cute demon boy
B-you mean Damien?
Dm-did you just call him cute?
M-shut up and let's hear what jinx gotta say
T-thank you ok so we should make a plan on getting Agnes,Luke,and Shawn back and I was thinking of using the....
V-you don't mean the transporter....
M-it's the only choice if it's to get them back then we have no other choice...
T-ok so lialya you are gonna stay near the machine with Mavis and breanne cuz your the only one that knows more tech than us
B-he's not wrong
T-ok Vanessa your the only one who can bring us back with the melody of Irene so you'll also stay back while us guys have to chant the spell and the other girls have to activate the machine and we head to get back Agnes,Luke and Shawn. Got it?
All-got it

Ok now to get to the transporter I'll also need my pendant but if we don't come back I just wanted to say I'm sorry....

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