Chapter I

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Cady's POV

"See you later,Cady.Take care",dad snorted as we arrived in the school.

I leave the car as soon as it is at the front of the campus gate and I can barely see new faces and maybe they are the freshmens/new students of the campus.

I walk silently towards our classroom and directly sit in the window side.

I guess were complete and yet our professor is still not around.Since it is the first day of school I expect of the introduction of one's self and so forth.I look outside through the window and saw the campus soccer team training in the oval.Thery're really preparing huh?Fist day of school and they already start the training.

My gaze stop watching the open-air as a guy walk pass by my side.

"Mind if I sit here?",the guy asked pointing at the desk beside me.

"You can sit wherever you want",I said and look at him but suddenly avoided my sight since his staring at me intently.It's like I spill something so silly.

"That's why I'm asking miss,whatever your name is",he said.I became quite irritated of him or just because of his 'talking manners'.

Before my head explode of thinking of the guy attitude our professor start to walk inside the room and all the students kept quiet.

"Bright morning everyone,I'm Mrs. Sherlinda Faleroso and your assigned schoolyear professor.I guess there's so many different students here.So as usual prepare yourself for introduction"she formally said.

One by one they stand in the center of the class and introduce theirselves.And when the guy beside me turn his back and walk to the front I listen very carefully so I can know how do his manner relate to him.

"Hey there.I'mHarry Styles,23 years young.Originally from England but lately migrate here in Australia.It's a pleasure to be part of your state.I'm really fond of music.I do write songs since I was a child.I'm really interested in music instruments and when I was in my hometown I'm part of our church orchestra"he briefly said as all the student are so amused by him.

Uhhh.It looks like he's not that worse than I think.It just a bad start that's why.

I swiftly go the center and my hands starts to get cold.

"Nice meeting you everybody.My name is Cady Davson.20 years of age.Resident in Sydney,Australia.When I have spare time I used to write poems and somewhat like that.When I was 8 I start playing piano and became part of this campus band and part of our church orchestra.Proudly I can say I'm a follower of God"I ended with a smile and they just look at me attentively.

I sat in my desk as our professor continually telling the rules and regulations of the school,subjects,subject teachers and our schedule.

"Ms. Davson,I apologise for my attitude lately,it's just that I don't use of having as many classmates like this"he silently half whisper.

"Surely not a big deal,Mr. Styles"I retorted.

"So you're Catholic?"he asked.


"Where do you attend mass?"such a talkative person eh.

"Church,obviously.Don't be funny "I tease him.

"Tss.I'm just trying to be friendly here"He said seriously.

"No thanks.I don't need a friend",I left the classroom as our professor and classmate quickly departed in the room.

"That's harsh.Why not?",Harry questioned.

"Because I don't want to"I said.

"Just beacause you don't want to?"Harry abruptly asked.

"Definitely"I can see our car in it's parking spot and I ran to the way of it and entered the car quietly.

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