Chapter 14

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A/N hey guys! sorry I haven't posed in a very long time, thank you for all the support and I really hope you enjoy this chapter!

He pressed play when we get to the hour they arrived and he was very touchy feely but she seemed to be pushing him off and I lean in and I can see her saying something making his whole body deflate and I fast forward until I see a waiter we door to the door and she answers and soon after she leaves her hair was the same when they went out "damn I must've gotten a picture that looked out of context maybe nothing happened" I nod "well that's that I geuss, until there's actual proof everything is checking out for Perrie" I add feeling I was right but after she talked about the kiss my heads been overworking itself and we drive back but as soon as we get back I went to get my phone when arms wrapped around me "hello beautiful where have you been?" I felt kinda guilty I feel like because I found nothing I violated her privacy like a crazy girlfriend but I wouldn't have been able to let it go and I went to say the truth "Perrie I" she turned me around staring into my eyes "I went to the hotel you and Zayn went to" her eyebrow raises and she smiles "oh yeah? did you finally settle your thoughts?" I blush "you aren't weirded out by it? its setting in how weird that" she kisses me and backs me up "trust me I probably would've done the same if it were another girl" I didn't realize how close we are to the wall until I felt my back hit the wall and she uses one hand to grip my waist and the other rested on the wall "why everything time we find you guys you always look like a closing moment in a movie" Perrie pulls away and rolls her eyes "then stop trying to find us" I laugh and Lauren pretends like nothing is happening "I need my sister" she looks to me "you really don't" I playfully push Perrie away "whats up Laur?" she gives Perrie a hard look "I really do" I was caught off guard at the hostility "y/n lets go" before I could say anything I had my sister and girlfriend on either side of me glaring at each other "she's her own person she can make her own choices" Lauren scoffs "don't sell her or me short, I'm aware she can but sometimes you're blinded by your own emotions you don't care what they do but I'm not letting this slide" Lauren pulls me behind her "at least she waited til you broke up with her to hook up with Ariana" Perrie and her were suddenly face to face "nothing happened I would never" Lauren laughs "please" they argue and I snapped out of my shock "stop both of you" they didn't listen they just kept insulting each other until Normani pulls me out "come on you don't need this right now" I could see them stop looking around until they see Normani and I go to Demi's trailer "Jesus its like everyone turned into children" I sigh "what if they" she cuts me off "if they do anything its on them not you, you aren't responsible in fact Lauren's responsible for you and she's out there there trying to have a ego competition" I put my hand on her arm cutting her off from her ranting "sorry I'm just worried about you and everyone is too but aren't showing it" she looks into my eyes "you are letting things slide and you know it it shouldn't be a uphill battle the whole time, I get you think that you've both done thing to hurt each other" I sigh "Perrie is right I can make choices on my own without input because I love her and love isn't perfect neither are people sometimes we do things out of emotion or instinct and you can't fault others when you've put other through it and now she's on thin ice, I hurt her when I told her I slept with Ariana in ways you and I won't understand until we go through it and when she saw me with her and I knew better as well, I was angry at the lack of attention from her and it wasn't right nobody is in the right and being blinded by hurt is what got us here but everyone would rather fight then even acknowledge anything" I see Normani's eyes look behind me and I turn seeing both bands "are you two done?" Lauren crosses her arms "seriously?" I cut her off "no Lauren, you can't put me in a bubble and pretend you can stop me from being hurt, you've hurt me more than anyone in this room and I've given you countless chances and like I said nobody's perfect I'm sure I made it so stressful and frustrating but yet we are closer than ever" as soon as I finished she turns to Perrie "we're family, she's some girl who can't choose between her ex and her girlfriend, say it now Perrie you aren't over him and you jumped from one person to another far to quickly, I'm not even sure you had good intentions at the time since Zayn did rebound with Gigi around the same time" she glares at her "I'm not admitting to something that's not true, I fell out of love long before I met your sister, we were a terrible match because he was way too worried about what place would have the most papz, he let the lifestyle become his whole life we never did things without it being planned out for how many people would see us, if we were relaxing he would tweet or snap chat us it wasn't what I wanted anymore and then this girl walked into my life literately and showed me that the small things matter a lot and I've taken them for granted but you can't fault me when we both are learning how to be a good human beings and obviously we need some work but fighting me every chance you have is just going to push you two away, she's more important and I'm really starting to see that this lifestyle can only be some of my life not even a billion fans can satisfy the feeling I get when I make her laugh or make her blush because I'm the cause of it and her happiness is my happiness and her crying hurts me more than any of my ex's have done to me, I'd go through it all again if I knew she was waiting for me and that's what stopped me that night, I could've slept with Zayn but it didn't cross my mind the whole night but you know what did? guiltiness and hoping nobody saw me with him because I knew as soon as someone had their hands on it they would ran off to her and try to rip us apart, I was honest with her even though I knew there was a chance she would just drop me but she didn't and I won't take that for granted not this time just give me a chance" I couldn't help but comment "want me two give you two a minute?" I say with a playful smile because they didn't look away from each other the whole time and they back away from each other turning back to glares until Lauren sighs "fine" she says sharply "Perrie, you are going to have to prove yourself not just to me but to her, just like any other girlfriend you better get close with our family since Taylor and Chris are both aware of this as well" I sigh "you were friends, put me aside" they both say no then Lauren says "really? you still hate Brad and I didn't even love him" I roll my eyes "because how it made you feel, he dissed you in front of everyone, I tired to tell you from the start but your happiness mattered more plus I wasn't friends with him whatsoever" she seemed to think it over some but doesn't say anything dragging me out "I'm not changing my mind Lauren" she nods pulling me until there was no one around.

She sighs "I'm aware that you aren't changing your mind but this is your first realtionship it doesn't have to be your last and I cant just stand by doing the things I did, I just want to give you advice okay?  I know I didn't get to do this much after we started fighting, we both give our all's to be given half in return like its a fair deal and it seems like you don't care because you love this person more than anything, you want to make them happy because they mean the world to you but they aren't on the same page, you've been through so much in such a little amount of time I can't stop thinking you aren't as okay as you portray and you aren't thinking clearly and I'm not saying you haven't had progress being in the same room with me without having an attitude proves that I'm just worried if things don't work out where it will leave you, you aren't made of steel as much as you want to be and throw yourself in head first again you two really need to sit down and talk it out face to face, things aren't going to get better if you keep ignoring the problem at hand" I nod "I know we do" I kept my eyes down and I felt the couch move next to me and she wraps her arm around me hugging me "I'm proud of you, this is just the start things are always harder when you begin them we all make mistakes but if she hurts you one more time then not even you could tell me to stop also little mix would kick your ass as well if you hurt her, it kinda looks like you guys can see what you can get away with until one of you crosses the line" I roll my eyes "yeah its our new years resolutions" she laughs "thanks Lauren it means more than you think" she nods "trust me I know" she gets up "come on we have 2 hours until the show and I'm hungry" I smile getting up "well if food's involved" she laughs opening the door and I see 4 people running off "we saw that" as we walk to the front they were all blushing "we just were uh checking on you?" I raise my eyebrow "was that a question?" Perrie wraps her arm around my shoulder "can we talk?" she says looking into my eyes "yes" I smile but before I could say anything Tori who was added to the set list because Scooter wanted to send off my and her careers with this tour "there she is! y/n I need you Ed broke his arm and can't play and I promised a special guest" she drags me away as someone sets me up "wait we didn't practice or anything" she shrugs "its only two songs" she gives me a cheeky smile and before I knew it was holding a guitar and she announces me and the crowd goes wild as I start I was made for loving you and at the end we end up face to face and she smiles brightly kissing my cheek and I'll find you starts to play and I knew the rap so I start it out and I touch hands starting the next part the last time she sings right to me and it struck something in me and I broke down in her arms but she keeps singing as she wrapping  her arms around me softly "I'll find you" the lights fade off "sorry" I mumbling but she helps me off stage "don't worry about it" she smiles but Perrie rips her away from me as she glares at the blonde "stop trying to take her away from me!" she says angrily but Tori didn't back down "she wouldn't cry if she was with me!" I break away "enough!" they jumped at the sudden "for one second stop fighting! I'm done I can't do this for fucks sake, why is everyone so stressed? Tori's not taking me away from you and Tori I love working with you but if this keeps up I will stop working with you, so either get along or go fight about it somewhere else, I'm too tired" they stopped as I walk away catching a cab going to the hotel swiping my key and closing my door locking it and I sit on the bed closing my eyes just trying to relax for one second and I fall back staring up at the ceiling pulling my phone out I call Taylor "hey" she sounded tired "hey whats up?" I curse "sorry did I wake you?" she laughs "when have you ever been worried about that?" I smile "you're right, I just" she cuts me off "needed someone who isn't directly involved in everything but know enough to put an opinion on" I smile "you know me to well" we talk for about an hour before there's a knock and I sigh getting up and open it seeing Perrie with food "you haven't eaten much lately" I hug her "I'm sorry everything is so wack right now, I wouldn't have come if I knew things" she cuts me off "I don't even wanna think about not meeting you, things have been better with you around, we all were friends but that was it and now we're a family, you are the missing piece and if you weren't here I know everyone would feel it and I know for a fact I would be lost, the minute you walked into my life felt like things made sense and for once I was actually felt love, no questions to ponder and worry if I'm enough because I see it in your eyes" she kisses me softly "I'm so in love with you" I feel her wipe a tear that escaped my eyes "you don't have to bear everything on your own anymore and it feels good to know I don't have to do this alone either" I was speechless hugging her like if I let go she would be gone "now come eat I got your favorite" I smile thanking her as we sit down and choose a movie and I look over at her and smile "I'm so glad I have you" she smiles and winks "back at you cutie" I blush looking back to the movie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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