Can You Stop Working?

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WARNING: Sexual innuendos ahead.

"Finished!" Namjoon shouted with a big grin on his face as he burst into the room.

"Already? How do you rewrite lyrics this fast?" Yoongi groaned, annoyed that he was still working.

"It's a skill, now if you'll excuse me, I have an attention starved, needy Jin to go deal with." Namjoon laughed, rushing out of the door. I glanced at Yoongi who had already gone back to writing lyrics.

"What was that comment on Jin about?" I asked, feeling like I was the only one that heard it.

"You didn't know? Jin and Namjoon are dating. Just don't tell the fans, they'd probably die of a heart attack." Yoongi responded, taking time to glance at me.

"Wow, I didn't pin Namjoon as being attracted to men. He seems more like a ladies man." I nodded.

"Jin may as well be a woman. From the way he looks to the way he acts. He's a total mom, too." Yoongi laughed slightly, focusing more on his work this time.

"I'm bored." I growled, abandoning the other conversation.

"I'd love to entertain you, but I'm busy." Yoongi sighed. I pouted my bottom lip and rolled off of the bed, landing on the floor with a thud. I was expecting Yoongi to turn and check on me, but he acted as if he hadn't heard a thing. Maybe he didn't.

"Yoongi." I drew out his name in a purposely annoying tune. Yoongi let out a sigh, but still said nothing.

"Stop ignoring me!" I shouted. Yoongi still didn't respond. I crawled over to the side of his chair and sat on my knees, staring at him. He glanced at me and then back at his papers.

"If you're going to get on your knees for me, don't talk, it turns me off." Yoongi smirked at his own joke.

"Keep it up and I'll bite you." I growled and watched Yoongi wince at the thought.

"Can you be less annoying while I'm trying to work? I'm doing this for you." Yoongi sighed, turning to me and leaning back in his chair.

"If you're willing to work for me, you should be willing to stop working for me." I retaliated. Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"That's a new way to look at it, I guess." Yoongi nodded. "Alright, fine. You have an hour of my time, but then I have to get back to work."

"Yay!" I shouted, jumping up and hugging Yoongi. Yoongi laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What do you want to do?" I asked as I stood up straight, pulling away from the hug. Yoongi's hands dropped down to rest on my legs, not being able to reach anything else from the chair.

"I thought you had something in mind." Yoongi answered.

"Well, I didn't think that far." I shrugged. Yoongi rolled his eyes at me and stood up.

"We have an hour, so we have plenty of time to have some fun." Yoongi smirked wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer.

"Very funny. We haven't even been dating for that long." I rejected, pushing him away from me slightly.

"Oh lord, you're a prude." Yoongi rolled his eyes, falling back onto his chair again.

"I am not!" I shouted.

"Yes you are." Yoongi sighed, staring at me calmly.

"Do you say that to every girl that doesn't want to sleep with you?" I questioned.

"Girls don't usually tell me no." Yoongi smirked. I stared at him with narrowed eyes.

"You are definitely sleeping on the couch now." I growled, turning away from the other.

"Oh my god, you're so difficult!" Yoongi raised his voice in frustration.

"Don't yell at me!" I shouted back.

"You need to chill out, I was yelling because you are acting crazy and bipolar." Yoongi retaliated pointing a finger at me and looking at me with a stern expression.

"Well, I don't like the fact that you're so easily admitting that you've slept with a bunch of girls." I pouted.

"I never said I slept with a bunch of girls, I said that girls usually don't say no to me. Like about anything. Even if I were admitting to sleeping with many girls, isn't that better than not telling you?" Yoongi sighed, unnamused with what I was saying.

"Well, it makes me upset when you say things like that. I feel like you could replace me at any moment, just because I won't do what you want. I feel like I mean nothing to you." I felt heat rush to my ears and tears begin to roll down my cheeks. Yoongi slowly stood up and stepped closer to me, hesitating before grabbing me and pulling me closer.

"I love you because you're different. You don't do what I say, you do what you want. You're not a puppet, you have a free will. That's what I love about you, you're not just some crazy fangirl that'll listen to every word I say." Yoongi cooed as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.

"I love you, too." Was all I could sniffle out.

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