Chapter One

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She didn't know how long it had been since she had been taken away from him. A week? Two weeks? Either way she had been wore down to the point of breaking-mentally and physically.

There were no windows in the cell they kept her in. It was big enough to fit a twin sized bed, toilet, sink, and shower but that was about it. She hadn't even see the outside world since she entered this god forsaken place.

Her daily routine was this: wake up, be given food, throw it against wall, regret it, get taken to the place, get tortured, be brought back, sleep. It was a never ending cycle and her thoughts always wandered back to Tsukasa.

The door swung open, and in stepped a man. He was large, with broad shoulders and an ugly scar that ripped across his tanned face. He sneered down at her before saying, "Come on brat."

When she didn't move, he picked her up and slung her across his shoulder. He wasn't about to put up with her crap today, and honestly she didn't have the energy to do anything.

He carried her down the hallway, paused, opened a big metal door, and continued on. She knew very well where she was headed and didn't even try to stop the tears from coming. Such emotions were relatively new to her, something she assumed she gained from Aika.

The man roughly dropped her into the familiar slanted table and strapped her arms and legs down. In the beginning it wasn't like this. It was her in a nicer room, given something to eat or drink if she wanted, so long as she was able to answer their questions. When Isla wasn't able to give them what they wanted, they got frustrated which lead to what she has to deal with now.

The man left to the room next door where he and another man watched from behind the safety of glass.

The intercom beeped on. "Now, are you going to tell me or not?"

"I've told you before," Isla replied suppressing the lump in her throat. "All I remember is being on the ferris wheel with Tsukasa before I was retrieved! Then, I woke up standing in the exact same spot."

"Liar!" The man yelled into the intercom. Angrily, he slammed his hand down on a button.

Sparks flew around the edges of the table before it began shocking Isla. She screamed out in pain and begged him to stop. Her body shook and pulled on the restraints in an attempt to get free, but to no avail. She felt like if she went through this anymore, she'd die. But she was confident Tsukasa would find her. He had to. He had to...

The sparks died down and Isla was left there gasping for air.

"Now, let's try this again. How did you regain your memories!"

"I don't know!" She screamed back. On instinct her eyes shut waiting for the sparks. But they never came.

"Take her back. We'll start up again tomorrow, I have somewhere to be."

"Tsukasa! Stop pacing or you'll wear a hole in the floor." Michiru barked.

"I can't help it!" Tsukasa yelled back. This was Isla they were talking about. The love of his life, his other half. He was being a bit dramatic but didn't he deserve to be?

"We still have one more day."

"What if she doesn't come back though!" He yelled. Then in a whisper after seeing their shocked faces, "Sorry."

Everyone in the office fell into a hush. No one dared even a whisper, for fear he'd lash out at them again. Tsukasa continued to paced back and forth, thinking up a storm.

What if those men are hurting her? What if she does came back, but she isn't the same? What if she-

No! He scolded himself. She'll be back tomorrow and she'll be perfectly fine.

She has to be.

Ah! Sorry I took so long to start the new book. Slight warning for the future, scenes with Isla will or will not be as... bad as that...

All the same, hope you enjoyed!!

Hopefully this book will drag out to 15+ chapters.
So stay tuned

Ring of Fortune - Book TwoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang