Chapter Two

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Ok so firstly this will probably be rather short since I am in a car and I hate writing in cars...
Secondly, I hope you enjoy it anyways!

"Two weeks!" Tsukasa told them. "Two!"

"Calm down," his old partner, Ria, laid a calming hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure she is perfectly ok and she'll be back any day now."

"Maybe they got lost!" Michiru offered.

Tsukasa shook his head. They had said one week. Now, it's been two and they haven't even tried to call them or anything. He was on edge.

Ria gestured for Tsukasa to meet her out in the hall. Said person obliged and waited in the hall for Ria to come out. When she did, she closed the door to the room they were in.

"Everyone can see how on edge you are-"

"I'm not on edge." Tsukasa said, cutting her off and crossing his arms.

"Right. But I'm getting rather suspicious of what happened to Isla as well." Ria paused unsure of what his reaction would be. When he only lifted an eyebrow she continued, "So I'll help you find her."

Tsukasa's eyes widened in disbelief. "W-wait seriously?!" Aika nodded causing him to grin happily.

"How do you suggest we start?"

"We go back through the security tapes of that day and try to catch a lisense plate."


"Then we um... We'll see when we get there, yeah?" Tsukasa nodded in response to this, all too eager to start to work.

They spent an hour attempting to even get into the security tapes and even when they did, Tsukasa accidentally exited it out. Ria facepalmed and stood up saying she was getting something to drink.

Tsukasa went off to get some tea for everyone else. They happily accepted and said things like 'don't worry, she'll be back in no time' or 'keep your head up sport!' He didn't reply and sat back down at his computer with Ria.

Another hour flew by when they finally got back on and Ria pushed Tsukasa back-she didn't want a repeat of him closing it out.

Minutes later, the two partners were watching the tapes of when the car pulled up. Then as the men stepped out of the car and walked inside. About a minute or two later, the men were walking back outside with Isla in tow. It wasn't until the car began to move that she caught sigt of the plate number and had to pause it.

Though it was blurry, Ria managed to read the numbers and letters, writing them down.

"So... now what? We have the plate number what do we do now?"

Ria looked defeated. She had no idea what to do next. "We go home and relax knowing we are one step closer to finding her."

And they did just that. Tsukasa sulked the rested of the night though. Whatever excuse they had made up previously might have fooled everyone else, but not him. Isla was somewhere terrible and dangerous and all he was supposed to do that night was to sleep. He laughed at he idea. How on earth would he be able to sleep.

Ring of Fortune - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now