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Falco Lombardi: *laughing hysterically* Boy, isn't that great? Yea, I'm sure those two could be a couple, seeing as how they would probably rather kill each other first...

Fox McCloud: Uhhh... I don't think I could ever be in any kind of relationship with Wolf, in all honesty... *face turns beat red through his fur*

Krystal: *shakes her head back and forth with her eyes closed, no comment*

Slippy Toad: Ha! That's pretty funny, Fox! You don't think you could be with Wolf? *gives Fox a friendly nudge* There should be a name for that ship! Wolox is one I've heard before!

Falco Lombardi: Yea, Wolox! Good idea, Slip!

Ask the Star Fox Team! Book 2 [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now