Spinoffs and Superpowers

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Falco Lombardi: Dude, if I had my own spinoff game, it wouldn't just be a game! It would be an entire series! I'd like to have something including my time with the Hot Rodders Gang, some good times with the Star Fox Crew, who knows! I bet my games would be WAY better than anything starring Foxy over here...

Fox McCloud: I'll have you know that you're involved in every single one of my games.... you even show up in Star Fox Adventures when Nintendo decided to throw you in at the last second. I honestly don't think there's need for a Falco series.

Falco Lombardi: You mean the time where I save your hide from being tanned for the 10th time? Give me a break!

Krystal: Why don't I answer my question now... if I could have a super power, I don't have to stop to think twice about that... I'd have the power to save my home planet Cerinia and bring all my loved ones back... that's not necessarily a "stereotypical" super power, but I think it's quite super and quite powerful. *sighs deeply, reminiscing about her home planet and the friends and family she misses so dearly*

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