Chapter 3

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Graysons P.O.V
We had an amazing time in our first day in Illinois with Amy. She was so sweet and welcoming and funny to. Before Amy left we gave a kiss on the cheek, I saw her turn really red it was like lava. If we hadn't left when we did I think she would have exploded. Either way me and Ethan are planning videos I came up with an idea but I forgot it because of Ethan saying "Damn Amy's mom makes good tamales."I turn around and sure enough Ethan is stuffing his face with tamales."I'm pretty sure we've never had tamales. Now help me come up with some more ideas."I said. Ethan decide to hit me with his the spoon he had I swear this kid is looking for a fight."Stop messing around and help me."I said annoyed."Didn't we just eat like an hour ago?" Ethan looked up from his phone and said "I wanted a snack." I roll my eyes and continue to come up with more ideas.
*1 hour later*
Ethan's P.O.V
"We should prank Amy"Grayson said I look up from my phone."What would we even do?"I said he thought for a second than gasped."We should do a robber prank. We can get her family in on it and do it next week"Grason said I nodded my head and went back to my phone while Grayson planned everything thing."It's 12:30 we should go to sleep"I said while yawning. We went to our rooms and went to sleep my last thought was I think I like Amy oh my I'm falling and fast.

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