Chapter 4

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In the week since her visit with Anne, Grace and Cole had spoken about ten words. He wasn't rude to her just distant, but he was downright sweet to Lily. In fact, if Grace didn't know any better she would swear that Lily had Cole wrapped around her little finger. Sometimes when her back was turned she could feel his eyes on her, but when she turned around he was busy with some other task, completely ignoring her.

"Hold still girl. I'm almost done." Grace said patting the cow gently trying to soothe her. She was almost done with the morning milking. This was one chore she was going to gladly give Lily in another year or so. Grace, hated milking. The sound of male voices floated to Grace's ears just as she was about to get up. She knew it was wrong, but once she knew one of the voices belonged to Cole, she sat back down on her stool.

"You know Cole; you ought to think about settling down and getting married. You need to have you a passel of sons to help you with the ranch. Don't you want someone to leave this place too?" She could hear Cole sigh at Sam's words. "Now, take Miss Grace. There's a woman that would be perfect for you. She's already here at the ranch; she's a beautiful woman and is always smiling." Grace could feel her face flush with embarrassment as Sam's words floated through the barn to her.

Cole felt the familiar stab of pain at the mention of him having children. How many children would he and Rebecca have now? His sweet Cassie would be 13 and Caleb would be 10. Sighing heavily, "Sam, I've already told you that I don't want or need a wife. Why would I? Miss Grace keeps a damn good house and I've never known a better cook. At the end of the day she's in her cabin and I'm in my house with peace and quiet. If I get an itch, all I have to do is take a ride into town and visit the saloon. So what do I need a wife for? I have all of the benefits without all the headache."

"Besides, you know I will never be left alone and find any peace for any length of time. Not with people like Billy Stone breaking out of jail. He might never find me, then again he might have already. Which reminds me, have you talked to Rory and Kit? Have they seen anything out of the ordinary?" Cole asked his friend and foreman.

"No, we haven't seen anything but we are keeping a close eye out. Have you thought about hiring a couple more men? Did you tell Miss Grace yet?"

Grace had leaned her head against the rail of the stall and listened to Cole and Sam's conversation. She tilted her head and strained to hear what Cole was saying. Something about needing to hire more men and talking to her and someone named Billy something. The men left the barn and she ran inside before Cole made it to the house before her. She didn't want him to know that she had heard their conversation. And she certainly didn't want to think about the pain that filled her chest at the thought of Cole going to a saloon to find a woman. It shouldn't bother her; he was just her boss, nothing more.

She had been standing at the window of her cabin for at least forty-five minutes waiting on Cole to leave to go out for the day. She couldn't wait any longer. There was just too much that needed to be done. Sighing, she mumbled to herself then to Lily said," Stay in the cabin and play with your baby. It's still too cold for you to be outside."

"Yes ma'am."

Grabbing her shawl, she walked the short distance to the main house. Opening the door, Grace hung her shawl on a peg, then walked to the kitchen then began to cleaning up after the morning meal. Since "that day", she and Lily had either eaten earlier than Cole or in their cabin.

"Miss Grace," Cole said from behind her.

With a squeak she jumped around to face him. "Mr. Weston! I have asked you not to sneak up on me. You know I hate it when you do that." Grace said in a frustrated tone placing a hand on her pounding heart.

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