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It was as if all of my worries went down the drain. Literally. Once I had finished washing, I felt like a new person with my cleanliness finally back. Good hygiene always brightened up my mood but this time, it truly felt heavenly. Maybe because I had been so long without it, that it felt so pleasant. It was always the best things in life that I took for granted and something as simple as having a shower was one of them.

Humming a song to myself, I used Liam’s comb to sort out my long tangled mess. My chestnut hair this length was a struggle to maintain but I hadn’t gotten around to cutting it in forever. When I lived in the streets, it was the last thing on my mind. Maybe next time I managed to get to the hairdressers, I would completely redo it: colour and style. If I were to, I’d probably go for a pixie haircut because I had always adored them.

Seeing as Mr Athletic Body didn’t bring me any clothes when he brought the towel, I wrapped it around my body skilfully and fumbled with the door knob. Because he was freakishly tall, at least six foot, his towel corresponded with his height so that it was bigger than the average person’s. I was grateful for this, seeing as it would mean that I would have less flesh showing when I went to ask for clothes.

The steam from the hot shower dispersed and I opened the door, staring at my wrinkly feet. I started walking, only to bump into something.

"Clumsy!" Liam exclaimed, regaining his balance.

I frowned, “Oops.” The something I bumped into was Liam! He had changed into a white tank top and shorts, which revealed a lot of his muscly physique. My hair dripped droplets onto the carpet and I looked up at him with my arms folded across my chest. For some reason, I felt really vulnerable just wearing one piece of fabric to cover my bare body with.

He chuckled casually, an Australian accent seeping through his voice, "Do you need sleepwear?"

"That would be helpful." 

Grabbing hold of my wrist gently, he led me into what I supposed was his bedroom. I figured it was his because there was a poster of something that said “District 12” on it and a photo of a sea. For a boy’s room, it was quite tidy in general but the closet seemed like it belonged to an episode of Hoarder’s. Quickly, he opened up a chest of drawers, briefly rummaging in it for something I could use as pyjamas.

“Changing into these,” he chucked a pair of shorts and a black t-shirt at me and I caught them. Then, he turned around so his back was facing me, “It’ll be quicker to do it here. I promise I won’t look.” After a few seconds, I took his word for it and allowed my armour to drop onto the floor. I put on the fresh clothes with a frown.

I caught sight of my reflection on his dirty full-length mirror. I seriously looked a mess but probably a lot better than I had when I came to his doorstep. My hair had improved drastically as they lacked the clumps however, his clothes were like a giant’s on me. At least they were clean. The shorts weren’t really shorts. Instead, I’d class them as three quarter lengths or even slightly short full trousers.

Remembering that I wasn't alone in the room, I glanced up to see that he was still looking away from me.

“I’m done.” I announced. He coughed, spinning his body back around. Automatically, his eyes skimmed from my face to my feet, as if he was approving my outfit. I snapped my fingers, unlocking him for the moment and he shook his head, perching himself onto his bed. It lowered as he pressed his whole weight onto it.

“Are you tired?” He asked, his crystal orbs glistening in the light. I stood there thinking, staring at him subconsciously. When I realised that I was, I flicked my eyes to the lamp on the bedside table next to him to cover it up.

“I like your…. erm… lamp,” I yawned, “I am quite sleepy actually.” It was true. I hadn’t had a full night’s sleep in ages so I always felt so worn out. There was always something disrupting my slumbers: people, animals, the weather, being uncomfortable and even more animals. Seriously, I was starting to forget what a mattress actually looked like it had been that long.

He thanked me then added, “Follow me then.” There was a click in his joints and he jumped off of his bed and through the door. Although his house wasn’t that big, the fact that it was unfamiliar to me made it feel like I was trying to work myself through a difficult maze like the labyrinth.

“This is Chris’ room but he’ll be gone for the next few months so you can stay here until he comes back,” Liam explained, scratching the prickles of stubble on his chin. I scratched my head at the bare room, noticing that everything that was once in it had been stripped. Who was Chris? I assumed that Chris was a relative or a close friend but I didn’t want to press onto the topic so soon, especially not now anyway. He could kick me out whenever he wanted to.

“Uhm, thanks…” I said as I slipped into the duvet. Instantly, I absorbed the freshness and how comfortable it was. It was like lying on a bed of roses without the thorns. But seriously, it should have been a crime to feel so good against some sheets without even shaving your legs.

“Goodnight, Destiny,” Liam winked, flicking the light switch, “You’ll need a lot of sleep because tomorrow will be a long day for you.” I processed his words and savoured them, realising something.

"Miley. I am Miley!" I corrected with annoyance yet a playful tone. It was worse enough that he knew what my real name was but the fact that he was calling me by it was horrendous. I just hoped that this didn’t meant that he would do it all the time. I smiled.

"Get some sleep, Miley."

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