Hazel: The slender woods

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The next morning when Hazel woke up, it was oddly hot outside so he took off his jacket and made his way out. Continuing his journey through the forest. It became darker and the surroundings changed. Trees grew bigger, grass became taller, everything was dark. Very dark acutially. The noise from the animals became less and everything was quiet. Suddenly out of nowhere, Hazel heard someone say "spread the word.." Quickly Hazel turned around, "what..?"  The voice was coming from behind him. " spread the word" the voice got deeper and closer. Then a bunch of howling came from all around him. Frightened, Hazel drew his bow and arrow, preparing to fire. ".. who's there..?" A pair of red eyes came from the darkness. It was small. Almost like a wolf. "Go ahead.. shoot me.." the wolf threatened, making his way closer to Hazel. From a tiny spot of light, there were about 17 wolfs surrounding Hazel. One of them had red and black fur, its smile was wide and full with human teeth. All at once, the wolfs pounced on hazel, attacking him in any way. Hazel screamed in horror but was useless and couldn't fight off the wolfs. "GET OFF" Hazel tried to punch the wolfs away but failed at every move. "SMILE STOP!!" A voice came from behind. The wolf looked up to see a pair of red eyes staring at him. He growled and ran off to the forest with the other wolfs. Hazel was left on the floor, bleeding rapidly. He lost a lot of blood. The other voice came up to him and sat down beside him. The last thing Hazel saw before he blacked out was another elf, blonde hair and wearing a green tunic. But he couldn't see his eyes. The blonde boy quickly wrapped hazel's wounds with the spare bandages he had with him, he picked him up and carried him away. "Heal him" about fifteen minutes later, the other elf reached a huge mansion that was painted all black. Inside, he went all the way to the top floor where his 'boss' is. "Why do you bring me all these pesky humans to heal..?? Your supposed to be doing your job and KILLING THEM" The tall figure said, towering above the two elfs. "He's not human.. just do it . Please.." the blonde elf bagged. "Fine.. but you will be punish-." "I don't care." The other elf layed Hazel on the table. Half hour later. Both elfs went back to the lake, away from the forest. The blonde elf layed Hazel in the grass and his behind a tree. Waiting for him to wake up. Once he did, Hazel was very weak. "Mh.." he sat up, slowly and held his head. "What happened.." his weak body couldn't hold him up and he fell back on the grass again. "...?" He layed on the grass and closed his eyes. The blonde elf quickly made his way to Hazel to help him. Hazel heard a russling in the grass and opened his eyes. The blonde boy was right above him. He had black eyes and blood was leaking from his eyes. His hair was messy and blonde. "AHH!!" Hazel let out a soft scream and rolled away, unable to escape. "WAIT!!" The blonde boy grabbed hazels hand. Hazel stoped and looked at the blonde elf, frightened. He noticed the blonde boys ears. He was another elf. They both stared at eachother for what felt like ages but was only a few seconds. "Who are you..?" The blonde boy asked. "I should be asking you that..!" Hazel stared at the blonde boy. "Ahem.. where is my manners.. I'm ben. Ben drowned!" Ben held out his hand to Hazel. Hazel, confused held Ben's hand and shook it. "Ben.. I'm Hazel." He fell back on the floor in pain. "Ah.." he barely let out a scream. Ben picked Hazel up and leaned him against a tree. "Th-thanks.." Hazel let out a small smile and held his arms close to him. "You were hurt.. my .. uh.. 'pet' attacked you. Sorry about that.." Ben apologized, Sitting next to Hazel. "Oh... its.. alright.. I guess.." Hazel looked down at his feet. "Not to souls like a stalker or anything.. but, I was acutially watching you. I was at this lake yesterday when you showed up but I hid so you won't see me. And I saw you go into the slender forest so I followed you." Ben told Hazel. "Your.. looking out for me..? But I don't even know you.." Hazel, teary-eyed looked at Ben. "Noo don't cry..!" Ben wrapped his arms around Hazel, hugging him close. "..." Hazel was confused but let ben hug him. He haven't got this in a long time and he felt happy someone was with him. "Than you .. ben.." Hazel cuddled in the warmth of another elf like him.

// adoriabbllee 0w0 I ship it way to much help me (-3-)/ #hazeldrownedforlife  (ò_óˇ) 
Anyways, do you guys like the story? should i continue the story-? Tell meh!! <(^3^)>

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