Chapter 10

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Logan/wolverine (pov)

I got word that Max was in trouble so I left Scott in charge. I got there a little late.

I saw the chopper fly away with Max. I think it also got the youngest one but I can't be sure. I was standing in the front of the jet staring out the windshield at the other bird kids. "We have to go after her! We can't just let those....those things take her!" I yelled at no one in particular. It was Storm who calmed me down. "Logan well rescue her. It's what we do. But the least we can do until then is help her family." She had a good point. I looked back at the scrawny kids and made my decision. I walked out and no one tried to stop me. I walked over these weird thins with bulky wings. They oddly reminded me of my brother. I approached the kids. There was only four of them. I was right they did take the youngest one. One of them, the boy with dark hair, stood defensively in front of the others. I approached them, my hands were at my sides. "You are-" I was cut off when the kid punched me in the face. He hit dead center and I heard a sickening crunch. The sound however didn't come from my face. The kid clutched his hand saying a string of words I would love to say to several people in my life, but sadly, it wouldn't be good if I did. While he was yelling at the sky, the girl, the African American, was holding her hands over younger boy's ears. I was impressed. this kid used so much colorful language , he could have made a rainbow, hec even a triple rainbow for that matter. He quieted down a bit. "Are you done now?" I ask. In several other people's opinions I should have been nicer because I just broke his hand, but it was his fault after all. "Do you do that often?" I ask the kid. he clenched his teeth. "What?" Use colorful language or punch people in the face?" To tell the truth I liked this kid. "Both." "How often do break people's hands?" He spit back. "Do we have a problem here? Because I could end it right here." He moved away from the group. A few of them looked worried. "What are you anyways? Another version of an Eraser? Cause I'd love to take on Eraser 3.6, now that would be a challenge." "What did you just call me?" This kid wants to die. I unsheathed my blades and I saw a flicker of fear on his face but it quickly went away. The others,well there fear stayed. "The Wolverine." I was about to go at him but someone grabbed my arm. "That's enough Logan." Come on! It was just getting to the good part. "Fine." I sheathed my blades and started back to the jet. I'll just leave it to the girls.

Fangs pov

My hand hurt. Not normally hurt, it was like my hand was screaming very loudly. 'I'm broken! Please Fang don't ever punch with me again. ' I turned my head back to the people in front of me. Two girls. The African American went to the remainder of the flock. The one with red hair went to me. Red hair is really pretty. "I'm Jean. What's your name?" She held out her hand for me to shake. Should I tell her my real name? "Fang." I took her hand and shook it. With the broken hand. I kept myself from screaming, but I winced. "Oh I'm sorry I forgot you punched Logan! Let me see it." So that's Fur ball's name. "No it's fine." I said my voice shaking. She took it anyway. "It's not fine, no one punches Logan and gets away with out a scratch or a broken bone." She looked up at me and saw my questioning face. "I'm a doctor...and a mutant. We live in Winchester, New York. We help other mutants. Like you. Will you guys come with us?" I look at the others. Nudge and Gazzy were all ready smiling. Jean looks at them too. I say. "I guess that's your answer then." They motioned to the jet. We're they expecting us to get into that? With the badger? I don't think so. When we didn't move I spoke up. "We'll follow." With that we were off to New York.

Thank you readers I hope you like this chapter!


Yes, I hope you enjoy the chapter! We will try to get chapter 11 to you by next week ok!


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