Chapter 20

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Max pov

It has been a week since I went on my first X-men mission. I had hoped that it would be a while till the next one....sadly that's not the case. Fang is being held captive in a underground base of Magneto's. Raven is refusing to tell us the coordinates an the professor can't find anything about them when he goes into her mind. So here I am with the professor and the other X-men in Sarebro. The professor is hooked up to this helmet that helps him expand his telepathic abilities. It is really cool. At the same time creeeppyyy. I walked up to the professor who had finally found the place that we have to go to. There I see what I didn't expect, Fang talking to Sarebro I couldn't hear them so I asked the professor "Could you turn up the volume on this thing?" I heard lots of laughs like they had heard this exact question before but the professor cut them off and said "Here." Then I heard Fang and Magneto talking. Please, Please, Please don't let Fang be working for Magneto. Then I heard the words that made my heart stop. "Yes sir, my friends used to be very good with explosives. I can make one that we can send off from this location so we can blow up the school." My whole body felt shaky, I became dizzy, I didn't faint but i did fall into the professor's lap. "Max. I know this is very hard to believe but I'm sorry I didn't tell you the one thing I have been hiding. I have had the suspicion that Fang has been working for Magneto ever since we got out of that prison a week ago..." he said. "AND YOU NEVER DECIDED OH HEY WHY DON'T I TELL MAX!" I said. "I'm truly sorry Max I just didn't know how to tell-NO NO NO! YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME! I TRUSTED IN YOU AND AND. I stopped Because by then my outer shell as I call it had broken and there on the ground was the real me, crying, rocking back and forth whispering "not my fang, not my

Fang, oh please no....." All the other X-men had left because well they didn't know what to do. They thought I was probably a monster. The professor wheeled over to me, grabbed my hand and pulled me up. then he told me to sit on his wheel chair. We wheeled out of the room and he took me to the one

place I didn't expect. The kitchen.

Charles pov

I wheeled Max and I into the kitchen. Then I took Max over to a chair. She got up off the wheelchair and then sat down. I wheel over to the freezer and grabbed the big tub of ice cream, then I wheeled over to the cupboards and grabbed chocolate syrup, nuts, cherries, and sprinkles. Plus I grabbed the Jammie Dodgers. I can never eat

Ice cream without them. I wheeled over to the table and put all the stuff on the table then I made Max and I a bowl. She didn't argue. In fact she mumbled "Thank you." When we had finished the ice cream I could sense she felt better and then we talked about the mission and what was ahead. I could tell that Fang mean't so much to her. She loved him. It's the same feeling I feel every day when I'm around the people I'm close to, also the people who left, the people who I loved, and all the people I have lost. Azahzel, Banshee, Raven and Darwin. Those where only a few. We are going to find Erik. We are going to leave tomorrow, ready...or not.

(Tomorrow)(Charles pov)

As soon as I wake up I can hear everyone around me, I can feel the excitement of finally taking down Erik. I close the door and wheel into the hall way. We leave in an hour so I make the most of it by heading down to the kitchen. Yes I do have to eat you know. Plus I love when Kitty Pride makes muffins in the morning fresh so I always head down to grab one. I meet a half asleep Jean and a even more asleep Max who looks like she just got mugged(it's her hair). When I'm done in the kitchen I head up to the "launch bay" as I call it and I talked to Hank about the mission. He was surprisingly normal this morning. Not blue. Good. Hank helps me onto the jet and the rest of the X-men walk in behind me. They all look exhausted. I wonder what they did to be this tired. They probably all stayed up and played Xbox and Wii. I shake my head and wheel into my area on the jet. Jean talks over the coms and we take off. I scan for any signs of Erik, but don't find anything. He put the helmet back on I say to myself. It takes 5 hours to get to Erik's base. When we land I get out first to see what we are up against. I sense 10 guards and 4 snipers positioned on the roof and 1 in a tree probably a good 2 miles from where we are. They haven't detected us yet because of me but I can't hold it all day. I have to use it on other stuff like distracting the other 20 guards inside the compound. Jean levitates up to see if she can see Erik or Fang. I could tell Max was waiting for the signal, which will allow her to fly above us and let her warn us of danger. She didn't like the idea but it was either that or her staying on the ground watching the jet. I didn't think it would have been good if she went in because she would probably kill Erik. We aren't going in but Quick Silver is. He is going in alone to take down 20 guards, A Angel who can disappear at will(Fang) and a Psychopath who can move metal(Erik). Quick silver got out of the jet, put his goggles on and well ran in. It was a whole hour until we heard anything from Quick Silver. He said into my mind "Magneto and Fang down. Guards....tied up at the moment. Coming to you-Now!" He appeared in front of me with a tied up Magneto and a black eyed Fang. I guess Max had told Quick Silver to give Fang a lesson on betraying her. Max touched down next to me and the first thing I did when we got in the jet was this "Erik." then I punched him in the face, twice. He smiled and said "Nice to see you to. Charles next time I would aim for the right rib cage, it's easier to hit with your height and all. That's when I snapped. Max and Logan had to hold me back so I wouldn't hit him again. I cooled down and and went back to my seat. We had 5 hours till we got back to the school. And I had to sit next to the man I hated the most right now.

Max pov

We where 2 minutes away when everything went crazy. I saw a burst of bright light and heard BOOOOOMMMMMMM! Jean managed to land the jet a mile away and we had to trudge to get to the school. When we got back the school was fine thankfully the explosion only hit the training yard. When I got to the front of the school ran to see if Angel And the Flock was alright. Iggy, Nudge and Angel were sitting next to each other crying. Oh no oh no oh no. All the bad things that could ever happen to my Flock flood through my mind. Then I manage to whisper out "" Angel responded with "He...He was on the Field exploded. Max...Gazzy is dead." Then she burst into tears again. No. Please no. Then I lost control of my emotions again. This time I didn't stop. I just let it all come out. I don't know how long I cried. Hours, didn't matter. When it was over though I had gotten up and walked strait over to Fang and I punched him right in the face. I was going to tell Logan to break his other arm when I get the strength to go inside.

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