Into The Woods

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"Hey guys, welcome to the Team Edge livestream!" Matthias announced happily once his phone started recording. J-Fred peeked over Matt's shoulder and waved with his usual goofy grin, lowering the brim of his Team Edge hat slightly.

Instantly messages came flooding in the chat, most of them moving so fast that neither Matt nor J-Fred could read them.

"So as you all possibly know, it has officially been eleven months since we posted our first outdoors hunt challenge, which was the Bigfoot Hunt, since it's November now. To celebrate, our video will be very special as it will take place in the woods, but I won't say what creature we're hunting yet." Matt explained as he walked around the top floor of the office with J-Fred.

Matt paused outside of Bryan's office and checked the superchat that just came in, smirking at the challenge suggestion he saw.

"Ooh, J-Fred likey very much." J-Fred interjected excitedly with a smirk as he read the message.

"Bryancito, it's challenge time!" Matt boomed loudly as he burst into Bryan's office without warning.

Bryan nearly fell out of his chair in surprise before regaining his composure, shooting Matt a playful glare as Matt laughed at him.

"What's the challenge?" Bryan asked as he got up out of his chair, shutting off his computer.

"It's time for a BB...a Brother Battle." Matt stated with a giddy grin as he flipped his dyed white hair out of his face.

"I'll go hunt down Kevin and Marvin then." Bryan nodded, equally ecstatic as he hastily left the room.

"Alright guys, we're going on a little field trip." Matt stated as he held his phone out in front of him and left Bryan's office before turning and  walking down the set of stairs to the bottom floor of the office.

Bryan was already there waiting for him and J-Fred with Marvin and Kevin standing beside him, blue NERF guns in their hands.

"Here." Matt offered as he walked over to the large rack of various NERF weapons and tossed J-Fred a red NERF gun before grabbing one for himself and walking over to the opposite side of the room.

"Hey Paully G, count us off!" Kevin instructed as he tightened his grip on his gun in preparation.

Paul emerged from the GG gaming room and leaned against the wall, watching them with a smirk of amusement on his face.

"I'll take the phone." Paul offered, taking it from Matthias before going back to his original position.

"Is everyone ready for the twenty-sixteen brother battle of the century?" Paul spoke in an announcer's voice that amped up the fans in the chat.

"ASAH!" Matt and J-Fred cried out as they raised their guns in the air.

"PAPAYA!" Bryan, Marvin, and Kevin cried back with equal ferocity, replicating Matt and J-Fred's movement.

"Three...Two...One..." Paul paused for dramatic affect, glancing between the two teams as they hunched down as if preparing to pounce like predators hunting their prey.

"Go!" Paul abruptly barked.

The five jumped into action, J-Fred taking cover behind a white plastic chair while Matt pressed his back against the wall next to the large white fridge, occasionally barely poking his arm with the gun out to fire a few shots at the other brother's before ducking back.

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