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"Do you think Matt and J-Fred are still alive?" Ethan wondered aloud as him and Tyler walked on with no direction in mind, hoping to somehow find Mark, Matt, and J-Fred.

"I would've thought that Bryan would've stayed alive since he knows in depth first aid.....none of them are safe out here." Tyler admitted in exasperation as he scanned the horizon while absent mindlessly running a hand through his hair.

It was close to midnight according to Ethan's phone, meaning that Tyler and Ethan had been searching for their friends for three hours with little luck.

"Damnit!" Ethan cursed as his flashlight flickered feebly before dying out, leaving him standing in the darkness.

"Stay close to me." Tyler instructed in a calm tone, helping Ethan relax slightly.

Ethan moved to get closer to Tyler, only for him to lose his balance when he stepped on a loose rock, causing him to flail around wildly with his arms in hopes to keep from falling before eventually falling back with a cry of surprise.

Ethan let out a grunt as he hit the ground, landing on top of the bag sling on his back. His dead flashlight fell from his hand and rolled away into the shadows out of sight.

"Ethan!" Tyler called out.

"I'm least I think so." Ethan assured Tyler as he slowly stood up, making sure that none of his limbs were broken or twisted.

"Here." Tyler dropped his functional flashlight down to Ethan.

Ethan gladly snatched it out of the air, shining the light around him to see his surroundings.

Ethan nearly dropped the flashlight when he spotted something familiar beside him that made his heart sink, the smell making him gag.

"Hey Tyler?" Ethan spoke softly that Tyler could barely hear him, unable to tear his gaze away from what he was looking at.

"What?" Tyler replied.

"I found J-Fred." Ethan informed him remorsefully, taking a hesitant step forward towards him. 

J-Fred's body looked like a broken doll cast aside, his body lying in an uncomfortable position with his head laying imbedded in a rock.

Dried blood stained his hat and the dead camera on his head over it, a small smile gracing his cold face with his eyes closed. He looked peaceful,  as if he was only sleeping and would wake up at any moment.

But he wouldn't.

He was dead too.

His body looked like it was in rough shape since his Team Edge shirt was practically ripped to shreds, revealing parts of his skin where insects were residing and where bites were taken out of him by various ravenous animals.

"C'mon, I'll get you out of there." Tyler offered, laying down on the ground and reaching down into the pit.

Ethan cast J-Fred's rotting corpse one last somber glance before he grabbed onto Tyler's arms and managed to crawl up, using Tyler as an anchor.

"So it's just Matt and Mark that are still missing." Tyler muttered quietly once Ethan was up.

"We'll find them." Ethan stated firmly, mainly to assure himself.

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