Chapter 7

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‘No please not Stoney hill. I’ve heard all about what happens to kids there. Please, I’m fine here. Anyway, my mum’s at home cooking dinner. She’s probably wondering right now where I am. She would be livid if she knew you had me under false assumption here.’ Cried Tanya.

‘Right Tanya, I think you might be getting mixed up with a pretend mum.’ In fact, she had been describing what Tanyatia mum would have done. ‘Your home has been checked and it’s been verified that no one in living there.’ Replied Mick. Tanya snorted.

‘And tell me this, how do you know where I live?’

‘Oh I just do.’

‘So, where do I live?’

‘Well you’re living in the woods right now, but the house that you should be living in is Trelburne House, number 7, Leighten road. Or am I mistaken?’ Tanya glared at him frustrated.   A sudden thought struck up in her mind. She burst out crying, and put her hands to her face. The policeman’s face softened, and her released his grip slightly.

‘Aw c’mon Mick. Look at her little face. She’s obviously ok out here. And maybe you are wrong. It’s been done before. Imagine what would happen if she was telling the truth.’

‘No.’ replied Mick angrily, ‘How could you even think of letting the brat go? She’s been running from us for weeks now. We can’t let her go.’ Tanya wiped her eyes on her sleeve.

‘And how did you become children’s ambassador? You’re frickin’ mental!’ The policeman snorted and Mick glared at him.

‘We’d better be off then hadn’t we? Come, Tanya.’ Mick grabbed Tanya’s hand but she shook it off disgustedly.

‘Get off me, creep.’ Mick looked as if he was about to hit her, but the policeman held his arms down.

‘By the way, I never said hello Tanya. My name is PC Cook but you can call me Cook if you like.’ Said the policeman kindly.

‘Well I’m glad there’s someone sane here!’ replied Tanya. She smiled at PC Cook.

‘Right then.’ He replied urging her through the woods.

‘How far is it?’ asked Tanya worriedly. She was missing Russell terribly.

‘Oh only about four miles away.’ Said Mick. Tanya glared at her feet. How had this happened? She had been so happy only a few hours before and now this was happening. Suddenly, she remembered Russell bear. She cried out, and pulled away from PC Cook’s grip. She ran back to her box, and grabbed it hurriedly. Mick ran after her, and grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her back. PC Cook smiled kindly.

‘Still a kid at heart!’ Tanya stuck out her tongue.

‘Did you ever get that checked out?’ asked Mick questioningly. Tanya stayed silent, just to annoy him. She was walked to a police car, at the opposite end of the woods. The light was flashing and as they approached, a deer fled it’s feeding ground. Tanya was shoved into the back of the car, and belted in, with her box beside her. The car pulled away, and as she looked, Tanya spotted two deep golden green eyes staring out from a leafy tree.

Russell watched as the car drove away, and saw the tears glistening in Tanya’s eyes. He knew Stoney hill like the back of his hand. He may only have been there a short while, but he had spent his spare time wandering around the grounds. It pained him to see Tanya, his best friend, a young girl, taken away to face the unknown territory of Stoney hill Children’s home. He was going to save her, however long it took.

A tear dripped down Tanya’s face at the thought of never seeing Russell again. The short time she lived beside him, was the best time of her life. She felt as if she belonged, and was allowed to relax, not be on edge all the time. Soon, they arrived at Stoney hill Children’s home. Tanya glanced at the iron barred windows, and thick oak door.

‘Here we are then.’ Said PC Cook, pulling up the gravel path. He got out, and Mick opened the door for Tanya to climb out. She carried her bear box in one hand, and walked slowly up to the door, Mick in front and PC Cook behind. Mick knocked on the door, and a plump lady in an apron opened it. She had a hard face that looked tired and worn, but like it was made from metal. Two dark eyes stared out of the fat face, like cats’ eyes.

‘This,’ said Mick, ‘Is Mrs Treachby. She will be your matron for the next few years Tanya.’

‘So that’s ‘er name is it? Bit dirty ain’t she?’ asked Mrs Treachby in a harsh voice, ‘An’ what’s that thing in ‘er hand?’

‘It’s a bear for your information.’ Replied Tanya angrily.

‘Tough’un, horrid child. I can see that already.’ Said Mrs Treachby frowning.

‘And I can see that I’m going to hate this place. Well, can I come in, it’s freezing out here.’ Asked Tanya hurriedly. Mrs Treachby rolled her eyes.

‘You will say, ‘please o’ Mrs Treachby, may you please let me so kindly in? it is particularly frosty out ‘ere.’ Tanya said it again, in the exact accent of Mrs Treachby. Mrs Treachby glared at her angrily, and opened the door widely. Tanya bustled in, and waved goodbye to PC Cook.

‘Goodbye Cook!’

‘I’ll show her ‘er room shall I?’ asked Mrs Treachby. Mick nodded, and Tanya was shoved up the wooden stairs, and led to a tiny box room beside a bathroom. On the other side of the bathroom was four other rooms, and beside her room was also another three rooms. On the opposite side of the house was another eight rooms and a bathroom. Tanya went into her new room, that smelled of damp, and was whitewashed and plain. It reminded her of a prison cell. In one corner of the room was a basin, toothbrush, toothpaste, flannel, soap, and  a hairbrush. Along the back wall was a metal framed bed, with hardly any springs, and a window. Matron Treachby shut the door behind Tanya almost immediately, and went back downstairs. Tanya sat on the small bed sadly, and took out Russell bear. She hugged him tightly, and wondered if Russell was doing the same thing. She looked at her watch. 6:43 pm. She hugged her knees to her chin, and laid Russell bear down beside the pillow. It was horrible here. Mrs Treachby was just as Russell had described. And the rooms were horrible.

‘Maybe I’ll find the other kids are ok?’ whispered Tanya. A tear fluttered down her cheek and onto the floor. She lay back and decided to get an early night.

‘Maybe when I wake up, this horrible nightmare will be replaced by a wonderful dream’. Thought Tanya. At least, that is what she hoped.

RunawayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora