Chapter 11

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The next morning, it was agreed that Tanya was now healthy and well enough to take her punishment. She was made to do everybody’s washing, and tidy up the lounge. Although, none of this mattered to her as she was working with the lovely Miss Maple. Every so often, Tanya would look up to see the lady staring elegantly at her; not a look of utter disappointment like Mrs Treachby’s, but a look of overwhelming joy and happiness. As soon as their eyes met, Miss Maple would push up her glasses and carry on with her own jobs as if they were still strangers.

‘What has Mrs Treachby said about me?’ asked Tanya suddenly.

‘Oh, well some very nice things.’ Said Miss Maple quickly. She had a strong Irish accent.

‘Well I know that’s not true. Just tell me, I hate her anyway.’ Smiled Tanya.

‘She told me not to speak to you unless it was absolutely necessary because you had problems with anger, and you needed leaving alone sometimes.’

The smile drifted from Tanya’s face into a frown.

‘I have no anger issues. It’s Toni with those problems. She’s the one that smashed down our den in the woods.’

A concerned look spread across Miss Maple’s face.

‘Dear dear. I have seen her and yes I see what you mean. Would you like me to help you build a new one when we’ve finished with the cleaning?’ she asked kindly.

‘That would be so kind but she’d just do it again. Everyone’s scared of her. Silly isn’t it? She’s younger than me yet she gives me the creeps. She reminds me of someone scary I know or I’ve seen before, I just can’t think who.’ Tanya had puzzled over this for days, but the answer had never come.

‘An early night I think, you look very tired.’ Hushed Miss Maple.

‘I’ll finish your chores, get a good night’s sleep. I will tell Mrs Treachby that you were feeling ill again. Sleep tight.’ Tanya nodded and rushed up to bed. Her arms and legs ached from carrying around duvet covers and pillowcases, and dusting up in high corners of the room. She put on her pyjamas quickly, and lay down on the bed. She fell asleep almost immediately.

It was 9:10 am when Tanya opened her eyes. She squeezed them shut again to try and get back to her dream. Her lovely dream. Her Tanyatia dream. She had been so engrossed in it, she hadn’t heard the calling from outside her window. She heard it now.

‘Tanya, look what Miss Maple done for us!’ it was Pixie’s voice soft but audible. Tanya pulled open her curtain but couldn’t see anything different. She looked at Pixie, who was waving madly in the direction of the woods. Tanya hauled on some clothes and raced outside.

‘Look, look!’ squealed Pixie. ‘Look what she done when we were asleep!’ Tanya followed her into the woods, where a brand new wooden Wendy house was placed in the trees.

‘She got it from B&Q she said. It’s ‘cos Toni smashed up our other one. It’s for us! And look inside. It’s got pillows and chairs.’ Tanya peeked inside, her heart warming to the kind woman.

‘It’s so lovely!’ she whispered. Tanya and Pixie ran back to the house. She was filled with happiness.

‘Tanya could you come here a minute, you’ve got  visitors.’ Shouted Mrs Treachby from the hallway. Tanya walked into the lounge to be greeted by some unexpected arrival. Her mother and step-father sat on the sofa, looking very at home.

‘Tan, we were so worried. Where’d you go?’ whispered her mother, wiping her eyes. These were not real tears, they were fake. Trying to make Tanya feel sorry for her. Tanya glared at her and Andy, fury rising in her throat. She felt like a volcano ready to explode. She walked over, and her mother stood up. Her mother’s hand gently touched her cheek. Suddenly, Toni ran in to the room.

‘Toni?’ muttered Andy confused.

‘Dad what are you doing wiv’ Tanya’s mum?’ Dad? And suddenly Tanya realised. Andy possessed the scary face she could not put her finger on. Andy was Toni’s dad.

‘We might be getting married Toni.’

But there was more to come.

‘Mum?’ whispered Toni, glaring at Mrs Treachby, ‘Why didn’t you tell me dad was visiting?’

‘MRS TREACHBY’S YOUR MUM?’ Cried Tanya uncertainty spreading through her mind.

‘Is this some kind of freak-show? You live in a kids’ home with your mum, and your dad is getting married to my mum? What the hell is this?’ Tanya looked at her mother, who had now sat back down, looking at the floor. Andy stood tall, head held high, yet Tanya sensed his feeling of alarm. Mrs Treachby held Toni by the shoulders, stroking her hair.

‘And how did you find out I was here anyway?’ shouted Tanya, red mist wafting into her eyes.

‘Doctor Nancy informed us hun.’ Said her mum looking up.

‘Oh great, so now she’s in on it too. Why did you come back to get me if you wanted me locked in a cellar? Why did you plan on leaving me in there while you went on a bloody holiday to Florida? Tell me that.’

Andy’s face turned red, whether from anger of being spoken to like that, or embarrassment Tanya could not work out.

‘We had to get you it’s the law Tan.’ Replied mum. That was it. They hadn’t even come back because they felt bad? They came back because of the law. The stupid law. They came back to take her home to leave her again.

‘We just want you home again babe.’ Said mum, a tear dripping down her cheek.

‘I’M NOT COMING HOME.’ Shouted Tanya. she hurried past Toni and her mother, and crashed through the door. She raced into the woods at the back of the garden, tears flooding down her face. She ran into the garden and tore into the Wendy house. She landed on a figure. She screamed as the figure moved. Russell grinned from behind a curtain of matted hair.

‘How you doing?’

             Chapter 12

‘Russell?’ whispered Tanya in bewilderment.

‘Yep that’s me alright. Thought you might come back in here so I invited myself in. Hey, why you crying? Is it that old hag Mrs T?’

‘Russ, my mum and step-dad came to get me. They want me back. what can I do? They said it’s the law.’ She replied, sniffing.

Suddenly, footsteps thudded and sirens called. The police were on their way.

‘We got to get outta' here Tanya.’ hushed Russell. He pulled her up by the hands and shoved her out of the house, following quickly. He dragged her into the woods, running as rapidly as he could.

‘It’s ok. We can do it. This time we won’t get caught.’

Soon, the footsteps grew louder, and dogs’ barks drifted towards them. A police-man shouted, ‘Get back ‘ere kids. You just gonna get lost, come back here.’ Tanya heard one final cry from her mother,

‘Who is that boy and why has he stolen my baby?’

For how many hours and minutes they ran, they did not know. But eventually the following footsteps stopped. The two ran long into the night, never stopping, adrenaline pumping them on. Their final destination was unknown, but they had done it. They hadn’t been caught. They had achieved their final goal. They had runaway. And they had done it together.

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