Chapter 9

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At breakfast, Pixie, George and Tanya sat on one side of the table, whilst Toni and Mrs Treachby sat opposite. They sat in silence all the way through breakfast, apart from some little moody noises occasionally from Toni.  There were only four children in the home, George, Pixie, Toni and Tanya. However the spare bedrooms had to be there for if any other children were taken off the streets at short notice. Over the next few days, Tanya and the two younger children spent more and more time together, and they found that Tanya wasn’t as bad as they had first thought. Pixie began to look up to Tanya, when she allowed Pixie to wear some of her makeup. Pixie was definitely a girly girl, and especially loved Tanya’s pink lip gloss and eye glitter. George was usually found playing with his Lego and dragon set, but sometimes he popped in to play with Tanya and Pixie. They all kept well clear of Toni who’s bedroom was at the opposite end of the house to Tanya’s bedroom. One day in September, the sun was shining through the trees, and it woke Tanya early. She could already hear that the younger two were awake, so she trooped across the landing to Pixie’s room, where the two were whispering together.

‘Tanya!’ gasped Pixie. ‘Me and George had an idea. We are going to build a secret hideout in the garden! Please will you help us?’ Tanya thought about it and decided that she really had nothing better to do. So, the three marched into the garden, armed with cardboard boxes from the recycling. Tanya wandered off and found a good spot nestled between some trees. It was hard work, but after lots of ripping up, sticking and tying, a small house type shape began to emerge. At one point, Pixie had run in to the house, and got a set that she’s had for her birthday. It was a small cardboard, house, ready made with a door and windows. All that had to be done was for it to be coloured in, and have some furniture put in it. So, Tanya made some seats out of cardboard boxes, and Pixie got some pillows and beanbags to sit on from the house.

After about four hours, with a breakfast break in between, the secret hideout was finished. From the house, it couldn’t be seen, but until you got to the edge of the wood it was completely concealed by leaves and branches. Tanya stood back to admire her handy work, Pixie following her example. George hurried out of the cardboard house, and ran to hold  onto Tanya’s arm.

‘What’s up?’ she asked quietly. George pointed behind them at the large bulk walking purposefully towards the trees at the opposite end of the garden. Toni skulked across looking behind her every so often. She hadn’t noticed the three now crouching in the leaves.

Tanya watched timidly as Toni crept into the trees. Suddenly Tanya hopped out of the bushes and dragged the two younger children behind her. She stood up, and followed in the direction of Toni’s footsteps. It was a short while before ‘Big T’ ,as Tanya now liked to call Toni, was visible again. Tanya turned around and  shrugged her shoulders at Pixie and George. She carried on and stopped soon after. She signalled for them all to crouch down, and searched through the trees to find Big T .  Tanya whipped round as a large hand slapped down on her shoulder. Toni stood, steam nearly coming out of her ears; she was red and her teeth stuck out scarily like a wolf waiting for its dinner.

‘You stole them I know you did.’ Growled Toni.

‘What did I steal?’ retorted Tanya.

‘My chocolate collection I keep in the woods!’ shouted Toni as if everyone knew that this even existed.

Tanya laughed thinking this must be a joke.

‘It ain’t funny.’ Roared Toni. She slapped Tanya across the face.

Tanya sat stunned. What was she thinking letting a thirteen year old slap her for something she hadn’t even done. She stood up and shook off Toni. She started walking away calmly.

‘Hey you!’ cried Toni from behind, ‘Get back here you’ll pay you will.’ Tanya ignored her and carried on walking away. Suddenly footsteps thundered up behind her. Toni grabbed Tanya by the hair, and pulled her to the ground. Tanya whacked her head on the grass, hard from lack of rain, and fell unconscious. The last thing she remembered hearing was,

‘Don’t you mess wiv’ me sunshine.’ In a voice of icy metal.

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