Confessions of a Jack

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~Jacks pov~

It was just after the paramedic checked my wrist and left. Mark left with her. Mark, just rolls off the tongue quite nicely. My wrist wasn't broken, just mildly sprained. About an hour after they left, my dad came barging in the house. Of course, drunk off his ass. "SEAN! Get your stupid ass down here!" He screamed. I was in my room listening to music on full blast and I heard it. I knew he was angry.

"Why are you so frickin' stupid?!" He yelled in my face. I felt little drops of spit mixed with alcohol spray my face as he yelled. "I-I.. fell.." that was the best excuse I could come up with, given the situation. He walked over to the coat rack and grabbed the belt. I hated the belt. He grabbed me and yanked both my hoodie and t-shirt off.

He then whipped me with the belt.

"You're a disappointment!"

Again, the belt against my bare, small back.

"You're a drunken mistake!"

The belt whipped me a third time, cutting the skin a bit.

"You're a piece of filthy trash that no one will ever love! And a stupid, fat ass I might add!"

I was in tears at this point. I was shivering and biting my cheek as to where it bled. The pain was unbearable.

"Now, go to your room!" I ran to my room, still with no shirt one as dad sat on the couch and started drinking a leftover beer. I shut my door and started crying like the fag I am. I am usless..

♢♢time skip♢♢

In the morning I got up to go to to school, surprised again to find out that dad wasn't home. Thank God. I home this becomes the normality. I walked outside, only to find Mark. He was just getting out of his house when I saw him. He saw me and ran up to me. I didn't want to talk to any one right now, but I guess I could make an exception.

~Marks pov~

"Heey Sean!" I smiled. He had a bit of amusment in his eyes as we walked. "It's, uh, Jack." He corrected. "Okay, hey Jack" Jack. I liked it. He was saying something, but I wasn't listening. I was thinking only of two things. How to ask if he wanted to come to the fair with Marzia, Felix, bob and wade tonight, and why he looked so beaten up. Se-Jack had a bruise on the back of his neck that was only slightly visible. He had a small cut on his cheek and a split lip.

"Are you, uh okay there? You got a cut on your cheek." He held his hand up to the cut "O-oh.. I-I'll be fine." Jack gave a weak smile. "Alrighty. So, I have a question.." I started. "Yeah?" He answered coolly. "Did you, maybe wanna go to the fair with me tonight? It'll be with a few of my friends..." I looked down. His cheeks noticeable flushed as I talked. "Uh.. yeah.. sure. I'd love to." His cheeks flushed more and he looked down, trying not to smile.

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