Prologe/Introduction: Luke's Challenge.

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The story is in 3rd person

The night sky dawned over North Carolina, and all the lights were out.

All but one house. A white house with a black roof. 2 story, big backyard. On the inside of the said house were 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchen. In the living room of the house sat three basically family members. Jonathan Denis, Luke Patterson, and Jon's dog.

"So... I gotta hook up with Evan Fong?" Jon asked his friend in utter confusion. "And then you'll hook up with my sister?"

Luke nodded in response, before adding a description of the man he was setting his best friend up with.

"He's 23? 24? Tan skin, black hair, brown eyes. And, you'll never guess where you're flying to?"

Jon, who seemed upset with his friends plan, sighed, and mustered up the best cherry tone he could.

"Oh boy, Luke, where are you sending me?"

"Los Angeles!"

At that, Jon froze, nearly choking. He heard Luke bring up this tan guy before.

"What?! I thought he lived in Canada?"

"LA" Luke repeated. He used to live in Canada, you're lucky I don't send you there. Plus, dude, it's LA. Crazy sh*t happens in LA."

"Including forced hookups." Jon mumbled quietly to himself, Luke glancing at him, glaring.

"Hey. Not your fault your sister is hot and you agree we should date."

Jon rolled his blue eyes in response, looking at Luke with the face of utter hatred for his close friend.

"Alright." Jon mumbled quietly, looking up at Luke. "When the f*ck am I leaving?"

"Tomorrow at 10:00 a.m."

Jon nodded slightly, and put an alarm on his phone to remind him. Even if him and Evan don't end up meeting up, he could still have fun in LA.

"You better take care of my dog." Jon spoke up after a long thought of him walking down the street by himself in LA. No one bugging him.

"I will. It's fine." Luke told him, before standing up. "You should get some sleep. You'll be in LA in some odd number of hours."

Jon nodded slightly as he stood as well, petting the dog companion of his, and saying goodnight to Luke, before walking down the hall to his room.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and non-binary's, welcome to my new fanfic called "Used." It'll mainly be centered around Jon's thoughts, but Ev will have his chapters.

I hope you're all having a good day. I will see you soon, and talk to you all later. Bye!

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