Part 43

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Do you ever get that feeling?

You know the one I'm talking about.

The one where, you're not really sure what's wrong.

But there is something.

You just want to cry,

Or maybe just sit and stare at a wall,

Just thinking about everything that's happened.

Maybe just from the last day, week, month,

Maybe even the last few years.

You realize something.

You have't lived very much.

You've been forced behind a mask,

And you can't seem to get it off.

It's been sewn onto you,

With metal string,

That won't come off.

No mater what you try,

The mask won't budge.

A/N we're just gonna say this is the end because I've been working on this poem sonce September 2017 and i can't for the life of me figure out how to finish it. If Y'all have any idea feel free to comment or PM me:)

Peace Ducklins

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