Confused and Scared

21 1 0

I don't know what i feel
Do I like you?
Am I in love with you?
Or just the idea of being in love?

Maybe it's the thought if happiness,
My own happily ever after.
My own fairy tale.
That's what it is.

We've just started talking
So I've basically just met you.
I want to be with you,
But you can't with a guy you just met.

Maybe I'm just lonely
And like the attention you give me
Verbal and physical.
It's like you have it all.

Do I really like you,
Or just the idea of you?


I don't remeber whrn I wrote this, but this was about the guy I mentioned in the other poem. Legit the next poem is about the guy I actually like and it's just hilarious because 2 of my poems are right next to each other, but they're about 2 different guys😂

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