Part 1

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     I galloped through the bright green meadow, my still-growing legs carrying my golden body against the opposing winds. My long white mane trailed my arched neck and whipped in waves. My tail of the same color followed behind me, flowing effortlessly in the wind that brushed my body. I whinnied happily to the dark sky as I picked up speed. My heart raced with me as it seemed to rise in my chest with overwhelming joy. This is how it feels to be an Arabian horse with such a free and wild life.

     I sprinted up a hill and looked out to the horizon at one of nature's best moments. The sun was peeking from behind the distant mountains, painting the sky with bright rays of orange and blue. This was my favorite time of the day. When the sun woke up from its slumber and greeted the creatures of the Earth with the blessing of a new day. It was breathtaking and I couldn't get enough of its beauty.

     I pointed my nose to the sky and inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh cold air. I smiled and whinnied again to greet the newborn sun. I did this every morning. I sighed and looked behind me to see my herd in the distance. They looked like specks from here. I squinted my eyes to see my mother coming towards me. She was still quite a ways away, so I decided to patiently wait for her. I returned my attention to the landscape and recalled a common thought. My eyes gazed from the horizon to the plains just below it. My father was out there somewhere.

     I never knew him personally, but my mother tells me about him all the time. She says that he was a champion of an Arabian horse with a bright golden buckskin coat that was darker than mine. He went by the name of Ryder, and had all the qualities of a great leader. He was known to be brave and strong. He always stood up for what he believed in. His herd and family meant everything to him. He was selfless and protective. He was stubborn in a good way, and never backed down from a fight or cowered at anything life threw at him. She told me it all came to an end when the valley was hit with a violent storm that separated my father from the herd.

     From what I've heard, my father sounded like a great horse. I could only dream of being like him one day. My mother says I'm already a lot like him, and that I would make a great leader. As a yearling, I'm still too young to become leader, so my mother takes over and cares for the herd. This didn't phase me though. I would much rather run wild and enjoy the scenery than lead a herd right now. My young spirit didn't want responsibilites yet. We live in a bright green valley with hills, waterholes, and trees scattered about. There are little predators, except for the occasional mountain lion that preys on us. There's plenty of food and water. Violent storms happen frequently, but other days the weather is perfect. The landscape is beautiful.

    "Angel!" My mother's call pulled me out of my thoughts.

     I looked in her direction and met her gaze. Her bright blue eyes looked at me with concern. I bolted to her, anxiously wondering what was on her mind. I abruptly stopped in my sprint inches from her, and looked into her eyes. She grinned slightly and her ears twitched. Her snow white form slightly shifted in impatience.

    "Something on your mind, Mother?" I asked, curiously.

    "I need to talk to you about something. Come with me," she stated, turning towards the herd that grazed a few hundred feet away from us.

I eagerly followed her, and we began to walk side by side back towards the herd. My mother was silent for a moment before finally gathering her thoughts and starting the conversation.

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