Part 8

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     That same night, April found herself unable to sleep. She separated herself from the herd for a moment. She needed some alone time. As she reached the peak of Angel's hill, April looked up at the night sky with her daughter on her mind. She hadn't seen Angel in days. As she traced the constellations with her eyes, tears streamed down her cheeks.

The night was silent as the world seemed to be mourning with April. Her heart was deep in her chest, broken in pieces from the loss of her family. Each piece was sharp and jagged. They cut her soul and body in deep emotional gashes. The sharp pain that came in waves radiated from her heart and covered her entire body like an explosion. It made her feel cold and weak. She lost her mate and daughter, and she wasn't even sure if either of them were alive.

No words could explain the loneliness that surrounded her since she lost her family. Darkness crept up around her and mocked her, reminding her of her loss. She cried daily and through the nights, hoping that one day she would see her family again. Nightmares haunted her dreams and during the day, her thoughts. The last time she saw either her daughter or mate was when storms swept them away. Every time a storm returned to April's homeland, she would cry out and curse the natural disaster for ripping her family from her physical being.

April's heart would never be the same without her family. She wouldn't be able to see Angel standing on this very hill any longer, watching the sun arise from its slumber. She wouldn't get to nuzzle her daughter and tell her how much she loved her. She wouldn't get to lead the herd next to Ryder again. Her own flesh and blood, her only daughter, was gone. Her only mate, her only love, was gone. She could never see them again.

April hung her head low. Her face was soaked with tears, her body ached from the amount of emotional pain she was in. She cried silent tears as she prayed that her family was somehow okay. The only thing she had left to hang on to was the hope that her mate and daughter were alive and well, and that she could possibly see them again.

     April's throat was sore from crying so much. Her mouth was dry, and as she tried to speak, it only came out as a quiet, raspy whisper.

"I hope you are safe, my loves."

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