9. Books

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"Wow, this is really good. Why? Why is your spaghetti different than stuff at stores?" Scott asked amazed. Scott was on the sofa and Mitch was on the floor and their plates, bread and drinks were on the coffee table.

"Well, I would love to say that it's a recipe passed down generations. But our mom didn't cook much and our dad left us. I read. I mean I READ a lot. I had to go out and make money in whatever way I could when I was young and one day when it was raining like crazy, and it was a cold rain, I ducked into the library. I didn't know it was a library. I don't think I even knew what a library was.

It was a weekday and hardly anybody was in there. I tried to not get noticed until the worst of the storm passed.  Anyway, I wandered into the kids section. There was a group of kids sitting around a lady who was reading a book and showing the kids pictures from a book. I wasn't much older that those kids, I think. Anyway, the story was about a family of mice that lived in a field. I don't remember all the details just that somehow, without realizing it, I had sat cross-legged in the back of the group and got completely caught up in the story," Mitch giggled.

"Well, the story ended, the kids clapped and they filed out to some buses to take them back to their school. I followed but when they went through the door, I side stepped to a corner and watched them from a window. They had somewhere to go. Probably a really nice school with desk and chairs and more books and maybe games. I just stared at them getting in that bus.

I felt a tap on the shoulder and I jumped and looked around scared. It was the lady. She was the librarian. She looked kinda young but not real young. She was nicely dressed and her hair was pulled neatly into a bun and she wore glasses. She smelled really nice too.

She asked me if I was part of the group of kids. I thought this is it. I'll say no and out I go. But she didn't throw me out when I said no. She took me back to the room and picked up some books. We were the only ones there and we sat while she read from the books and let me follow along. She ran her finger underneath each word as she read. We did that three times a week until I learned how to read. It took about a month or two. She said I was a fast learner. Then she somehow got me my own library card. She put plastic around it and I still have it. She taught me how to check out books too.

By summer she had left. She left me a note saying how very sorry she wasn't able to say good bye but that her boyfriend had returned from being a soldier and said they had to go right away to another state to get married. She left me her new address if I ever wanted to write. It was somewhere in Kansas. I didn't want to write." Mitch said sadly.

"But anyway, that's a very long story to say that I read a lot – fiction, biographies, how-to books and cook books. I LOVE cook books! So I'm pretty good in the kitchen."

"I have some peanut brittle I made. Do you like peanut brittle?" Mitch asked excitedly.

"I've never had peanut brittle."

"Have you had peanuts?"


"Did you like them?"


"Then I'm pretty sure you'll like it."

And he did.

Scott stood and helped Mitch take all the dishes to the kitchen, and he dried after Mitch washed them. He turned to Mitch, "Hey, thanks for the spaghetti, and bread and peanut brittle and soda and, and, and," Scott looks to the corner of the room just to have somewhere to look other than at Mitch. "And the kiss." He dared to look back.

Mitch smiled and said, "You are more than welcome Scott. I really enjoyed your company. I do have to chase you out now though. I want to be at the hospital first thing tomorrow as soon as visitors are allowed in so that Sarah doesn't wake up to strangers."

"How old is she?"

"She's 15 going on 30," Mitch laughed. "And how old are you Scott?"

"26. You?"

"20." Mitch was 18 but he wasn't about to tell Scott that. He didn't know if that would scare him off or not. Plus he felt like he was 30 too.

"Okay, well I'll go now. Thank you again for everything," Scott said as he walked to the door.

Mitch followed closely behind him and scurried to block him leaving by the door. "You're more than welcome," he said as he tugged down on Scott's sweater collar bringing his head down close for a quick kiss. He let go right away and felt his whole face glow.

Scott did an adorable blush too and said "Good night Mitch. Call me when you're free."

"Night, Scott."

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