18. More Training

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"Thanks for not telling Sarah about the fight with Max."

"I figured you would never forgive me if I did. She doesn't need that stress before surgery. But you know, it's not too late to cancel the fight."

"Of course it's too late if I ever want to fight again. Or need to fight. I don't know how people live on minimum wage. Maybe I could for myself, but I'm the only support Sarah has. And now with these surgeries she's needed, I've got to be able to make a decent living."

They had gone back to the gym after the hospital and had sparred a bit, just to keep Mitch's body loose. They were walking back home.

Scott grabbed Mitch's arm and pulled him back. "Mitch, I know I came in too late in your life to stop this fight. But please, after this one, no more where you are leveled so far below the other fighter, okay? Please," Scott begged. "I have money just sitting in the bank. I haven't had anyone to share it with, to make someone else happy or safe or healthy. Please. Knowing this will be the last one is the only thing that's keeping me breathing at the moment."

Mitch couldn't believe how close they had become in just days. But there was no denying it. They were soulmates. They must have been lovers in prior lives.

"I promise."


The next morning, Mitch was fed a disgusting smoothie that looked like dirt Scott had given him but was allowed a Starbuck's trip before the gym.

"Okay, there are only two places that you should be in this fight – outside his range or inside close hitting him – preferably in the same spot and preferably a weak spot. You don't want to be where he can hit you and you can't hit back.

I've set up this dummy. I'll yell 'OUT,' and you circle outside his reach circle, see on the ground, the circle I drew? That's his reach circle. I want you to box circling moving counter clock-wise the whole time, leading with your right.

When I yell 'inside', you step in, continue circling counter-clockwise and punching. You have to be close. Don't step back where he can reach you."

"Scott, I'm a south paw, clockwise and leading with my left would be better."

"He knows you are a south paw, hitting with your right will be a surprise and I happen to know the vision from his left is more limited. If we are lucky, his weak spot will be on his left too. If you can swing coming in high and going low into his left, he will never see that punch coming. I'll be watching and see if I can figure out what, if anything, he is protecting during the fight."

Save your left for last when you're tired. You can fight with your left without thought, just on pure instinct."

Mitch did as instructed for 40 minutes solid, before he was allowed to step back, sit and drink ½ a liter bottle of electro-light enhanced water. Not too much at once or he could cramp.

"Okay good. Your right is not as bad as I thought. You wrist is a bit bent. You need to straighten it to give it more power and it's that protects it from injury better as well."

"Thanks Scott. Hey, I've been meaning to ask. When you fought him, who won?"

"He did."

"How many times have you fought him?"


"No attempt at a rematch?"

"Yes, I said no."


"He's not right."

"What do you mean?"

Scott let out a deep breath and said, "We can talk about it later. I don't want your muscles to get cold. You're going to do it again, but you take charge when you want to move in or step out. Go slower and I'll talk the place of the dummy."

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