Chapter 9: A Long Overdue Wedding

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Thing you learn from being in the military is that often there's more work to do AFTER a battle then before. Enemy prisoners have to be processed, wounded ponies have to be treated, spoils of war have to be catalogued and distributed and the most regrettable job after a battle: Cleaning up and cataloging the dead. We'd done surprisingly well, only losing about a hundred of our number but the enemy had horrific casualties so there was a lot to do. An enemy army is made up of people, and those people have families that deserve to know the fell. Once the dead are identified Princess Celestia's clerical staff might spend a month sending out condolence letters and death certificates to the dead. The ones that ran off where currently being tracked by some of the griffons, and according to reports most of them had abandoned their armor and weapons, disappearing back into the underworld. The City guard would be keeping an eye out for them to start making trouble again, though the spirit of the shade cult was thoroughly broken.

I spent some of the time trying to plan my wedding. . .but thanks to my reserve status being called up until the end of the month it would be a while before Windjammer and I could have another big wedding, so we decided to just have a small one at the castle, since our friends and family where still among the refugees. Today I was one duty in the clerical pool however, addressing envelopes to unfortunate families who would soon get word of their relative's death. As I was stuffing one envelope I noticed the name on the death certificate: "Brass Filagree" and that sounded familiar to me, then I read the Letter enclosed, it was a standard condolence letter, stating that their relative was killed in a military action, and his accounts and cash seized for reparations but I recognized the names: Buttress and Genoa. This was Rings' death certificate! Immediately I called for an audience with princess Celestia, who was very busy. . .but she's never once denied an audience with one of her guard, though since she was so busy she saw me in her office instead of her throne room.

Star Bright was already in Celestia's office, and they appeared to be having a heated and unscheduled conversation with Lady Star Bright. I'll be honest, I had no idea who Star Bright was at this time. . .I figured she was a lost line of the royals, or an incredibly powerful Mage, but what I was seeing here was Star Bright actually scolding Celestia like a child.

"Celestia, as always you where unprepared," Star Bright said, "How is it you could attempt to defend this entire land with a military so small? It wasn't difficulty for Saturn, an illegitimate heir, claiming a false nobility, to gather tens of thousands of devout followers!"

"Should I militarize my entire land?" Celestia asked,

"If it means keeping your citizens safe, then yes!" Star Bright shouted.

"I made an attempt to militarize my kingdom once, and the Barons turned those armies against me, used them for slaughter!" Celestia said sadly. "I'm not willing

"Celestia you have a heart not attuned for war, let your sister Luna raise a garrison in every town and city, train militias, she knows how to manage an army. You should let her,"

"I fear there are elements in my land that would resent me giving Luna such power," Celestia said,

"She does not get her power from YOU!" Star Bright said, slamming her hoof on the desk, "But don't forget that you and her rule this kingdom, NOT the wishes if backwards and hateful ponies! There will be other invaders, and you must be ready for them! Or do you forget when the changelings took Canterlot in less than an hour?"

"But the changelings are now our friends!" Celestia shot back, "If we would have slaughtered them in the streets how much more difficult would it be to make them our allies?"

Star Bright rubbed her temples, "Celestia, there is a reason your sister is so much more ruthless than you, and you so much more loving. You counter one another, and compliment one another. Let your sister start a true military, have peace through strength. . .I won' always be able to join you in battle."

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