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        It had been many years since the Battle at Larson pass.  Having busied myself with the day to day of the Sentient palace and it's greater dimensions I'd lost track of those ponies who I had documented.  Windjammer, Sonambula, Four Speed, Gregory, and Star Shine and their stories where something that fascinated me but being that I spent so much time away from that realm it became easy to look at these fantastic stories as more legend or lore than hard reality.  Even thought I took many trips to the realm of harmony, they where all business and I heard only bits an pieces of information.

       There are tens of thousands of lives that I've interacted with over the millennia, but something about these individuals stuck with me in a way I couldn't get over.  Mortal lives burn brightly and therefore burn short, and I knew if I dawdled enough it would easy for me to miss their entire lives.  While my Beloved husband Odion is not one for sentiment, he is practical, in the end it was his idea to check up on the ponies who I wrote about in my stories as he knew I'd regret it if I didn't.   

      The idea of Seeing them all excited me, especially Windjammer and Obsidian who's love story was the impetus for me gathering so many fascinating stories from ponies like Star Shine, Four Speed and Summer.  The more I thought about seeing them and learning what adventures they'd had in the intervening years the more excited I got.  I also wanted to add to my collection of stories, and the one pony that intrigued me that I hadn't spoken to was Ruby Skies, the widow of the great Summer Sonambula.  I had a feeling she had a great story. 

       I began in Canterlot, and after checking at the castle only to find that everypony who I knew in the guard was discharged and had moved on, even Nebula who had dedicated her life to the service of Princess Luna had moved on.  This was typical, Helios and Nocturne guard normally didn't spend more than a few years in service.    It was strange seeing no familiar faces among the Helios Guard, the ones I knew so well had moved on and it was if there was no one there for me.  I had an audience with Princess Luna for an update on the construction of the Equestrian defense force, a provincial army that would be ready to defend the realm.  Things where going well, and peace in Equestria would certainly be maintained.

       My first stop was to see Night Glade and Star Shine, and visit what was sort of like a granddaughter to me, Little Halo.  They where living on a wooded property outside of Canterlot, among rolling farmlands.  Glade still did his share of adventuring, and Star Shine and Halo where sometimes where coming along now that Halo was older.  Soon she'd be starting school, and Glade and Shine had their occasional discussion about where the foal would be attending.  I'd been keeping up with them regularly though, and while I asked them about where might I find Windjammer and Obsidian, as the pair where no longer living in Canterlot.  Glade and Shine weren't sure, telling me they'd left on a long sojourn a few weeks ago.  They did however knew right where to find Four-Speed and Nebula who had talked to Windjammer and Obsidian more recently than them.

      I hopped on a train to the Griffon Lands, hearing Four Speed and his wife Nebula had gone on a diplomatic trip to castle Rage.  Four Speed and Nebula had been taken a place in griffon government, neither of them wanted to take a position of nobility so they took the more Humble title of "Steward and Stewardess" of the clan until nobility could be restored.  He was participating in a summit of Griffon leaders and diplomats, discussing the development grants for several Griffon cities. The population of said cities where growing at a stunning rate and required funds for expiation.  Four-Speed had stepped fully into his role as Steward of the Swift Clan, dressed in smart diplomatic attire and cape, Nebula looking quite regal in her dark violet robes of office. 

       The Four Speed I had known, was a bit of a buffoon.  A talented swordsman with a good heart, but he drank to much, flirted with mares other than his girlfriend, and had a nose for trouble.  As I sat in on the summit as an observer,  I realized I was seeing a profound change in the old Four Speed.  He kept his flair and his quick wit, as well as his big heart but he had a sense of duty and wisdom that was brand new.  I watched with satisfaction, as goofy old Four Speed who used to jokingly put his rump on the table of the NCO club, face down a counsel of Kings and Lords, convincing them of the value of compassion.  They didn't want to part with their gold to develop their cities, but Four Speed gave a stirring speech that reminded them that Monarchy had a responsibility to their citizens.   He pointed out that with larger populations came more workers, and thereby more taxes and a bigger economy in the long run.  He made points about the compassion and long term gain from a relatively small investment.

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