Meeting You

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My name is Deanna Nyla Davis, I am a student athlete, I play college  basketball for University of Miami (GO CANES!!). My Undergrad major is Exercise of Physiology  so that I may pursue my life long dream in becoming a Physical Therapist. 

I was born and raised in South Carolina and currently I am located in Miami, Florida on a full ride scholarship due to academics and skills on the court. 

A brief description about my physical appearance, I am about 6 foot and  I am considered a "red bone" by my people, my hair is naturally brown although it is currently red (my favorite color). Perfect straight white teeth and  a toned physique due to sports.

 I am 19 years old and I am considered the baby of the family, also I am foodie for life. They way to my heart is my belly. 

I am considered a stud in the LGBTQ+ community, meaning I am masculine female who love other females. 

~Deanna POV~

Breathe in...breath out...breathe in...breathe

"Yo, you good G?" I was broken out of my mantra, by a girl, not just any girl, a stud, a fine one at that. I couldn't help but to stare at her beauty 'Gah damn'  I thought.

"Aye! Bruh you good? you've been sitting in that criss-cross applesauce position for a long ass time, look its about to rain." She spoke again, I broke out of my stupor and stared hard at the sky. She was right, it could rain any second and who the hell still says criss-cross applesauce, at her dinosaur age, she should know better. 

I got up, bended a little to dust off the grass on my maroon colored joggers and stood up to my full height. I glanced at the stud again and gave her a small smile, and a slight head nod.

"My bad, I'm good, thanks for looking out uh....?" I paused waiting for her to tell me her name. She held her hand out to dap me up. 

"Names Nayliana, but I go by Nay" she responded. Nayliana such a beautiful name, I smiled wider, probably looking like a psycho.

"My name is Deanna, but you can call me Dee" I responded as we exchanged daps. We started walking towards the exit of the park, she was telling me she just moved here to Florida from Georgia.

As she was talking, I took a  mental note on her appearance.  She was taller than me by two inches, long golden dreads, the most smoothest cocoa colored skin, blemish free face, pretty straight teeth, and definitely had swag. Her whole aura screamed dominance, which made me tremble with excitement.

I've only met her for five minutes, and already grown attached to her, I don't know why but there's something about her.

"May I please have your, so I can put my number in it." Nay requested, I quickly slipped it out of my pocket and handed it to her, while she did the same. I put my number and my contact name as 'Dee 💪💖🏀.'

I gave her phone back, and she returned mine, I quickly saw 'Daddy Nay 👅💦' and turn the screen off, I was fighting a blush and looked everywhere but her.

"Ight G, I gotta roll, but expect a phone call tonight and you better answer on the first ring" Nay said.

I nodded my head, I couldn't think of a quick response, she smirked and walked away to her car which was park 3 feet away, I turned around and walk towards my car with a huge smile on my face.

~Later that night~

There I was sitting on my bed, legs folded underneath me, staring my phone down waiting for Nay to call me.

"Am I really sitting here, like a dumb ass waiting for her to call me?", "what if she fell asleep and forgotten?!", "Or she could just be playing with a real nigga emotion, and deleted my number." She truly have me sitting here having a full blown conversation with myself .

I fell backwards on the bed and stared at the ceiling, thinking about everything and anything if that even makes sense.

I reached over to my night stand and turn my lamp off, and put my phone on the charger.

I'm taking my ass to sleep, got me all the way bent if she thought I would sit here and wait for her to call, I have an early morning class tomorrow too. Next time if I see her, I'm drop kicking her in the neck. 

As soon as I shut my eyes, my phone ranged.



.......uhm hey there 👋

I hope you enjoy this chapter, if you didn't like it... I'm sorry ig (really don't give two fucks)

I do enjoy constructive criticism I know I'm not perfect.

A friend wanted me to do this, so I'm doing it for her.

Comment, vote and share.

Oh that's Deanna in the media.
Peace out girl scout 😉

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