Where are you going?

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~Deanna POV~

"Alright Dee, I gotta head out and get some things done, are you going to be alright?" I looked up at Nay as she was putting on her shoes and tying the laces in a particular way. I saw her tie it up and stuff the shoe laces in her shoes. 

"Why do you tie your shoes like that and stuff the lace in your shoe? You look mad goofy right now," I commented. She turned her head towards me and reached out to mush my face back. 

"Mind the business that pays you Heffer." She replied as she stood and begin cleaning her mess up. 

"Mhm, it was just a question you ain't had to do me like, and where are you going?" I got up after watching her throw her trash away and began cleaning my mess up. I am not going to lie I wasn't ready to see her off, I wanted to spend the rest of the day with her. 

"Like I stated earlier, mind the business that pays you. But since you want to be all up in my ass, I am going to check on my business and run some errands." She then turn towards me as she just finished washing her hands and drying them with my dish towel. I scowled at her slick ass mouth and shrugged my shoulder.

"Don't look at me like that, I wish I can spend the day with you but I got stuff to do. I am not fully established in this town and I want to know my way around if that's alright with you?" She approached me giving me a bear hug while rocking me side to side.

"You do you, I ain't your keeper." I shrugged her arms off and made my way to the trash can. I know I'm being petty but I am still in my feelings about the Joyce thing and I need some company to help me feel better. 

"Dee, don't be like that baby, please.  As soon as I am free you'll be the first person I'll call so we can kick it. Ok?" I shrugged my shoulder as I continue to clean around the house to distract myself. 

"Can I get a kiss before I go?" She asked. I stopped in the middle of me wipeing the counters down and stared at her for a good minute. 

"You can kiss my ass. You know where the door is, lock the bottom lock on your way out please and thank you." I replied and went back to the task at hand. I heard her groan out loud and stomped her way to the door, opening and then slamming my door. 

"Rude ass." I threw the rag into the sink and made my way over to my front door to lock the top lock and then made my way to the bathroom to take a relaxing shower.

~Nayliana POV~

"Goofy ass, acting so childish and petty," I grumbled to myself taking my keys out of my back pocket. I don't know what her issue is, I was the one who dropped everything for her ass to make sure she was straight. I should of drop kicked her in the neck but I didn't. I know she was only upset because I had to go. 

Lowkey hurt my feelings when she didn't give me a kiss. I stopped in the middle of the hallway and contemplated going back up to get my kiss, but I shook that thought from my head and walked up to the entrance. The old guy from earlier was replaced by a younger dude with dreads. Is this a white man with- never mind I am going to mind my business and keep it pushing. 

He opened the door for me and gave me a firm nod and I reciprocated. Whistling my way to my car, I had to go back to the office and make sure everything is up to date and running smoothly. I also have to stock my kitchen with some essentials and I also needed to give Kookie a call and run some numbers with her.  Damn. 

I slid into my vehicle and put my seat belt on, looking at my review mirror as I push start and shifted to reverse. First thing first I'll head over to the business and combine that and a call to Kookie so I can kill two birds with one stone. 

~45 Minutes Later~

"So to conclude this unnecessary ass phone call, everything is good on my end, the numbers match the excel spreadsheet I sent over and I will have Miss. Kota look over everything to make sure we didn't miss anything. Is there anything you would like to add before I hang up?" I rolled my eyes as Kookie used her professional voice. 

"No that would be all, thank you for having this necessary ass phone call, and hope you enjoy the rest of your day," I replied as I aligned the paperwork in order, sliding a paper clip onto them to keep them in place. 

"Thank you and you too, bye-bye," I heard the dial tone on my work phone and chuckled. I picked up the phone and placed it back onto the hook. 

"Young nigga I got old cash, spazzin on they ass-"

This mfer here, I swear. I reached over the table to grab my personal phone. I slid the phone icon to answer. 

"Yoooo what's goody in the hoody?" I know damn well-

"Kookie what the fuck you want, we literally ended the call 2 minutes ago," I snapped sitting back into my chair. 

"I was not about to talk about personal shit on my business only cell, you know the rule since you created it, Miss. Ma'am," She replied back calmly, I listen intently to the phone call and it sounded like she was driving. 

"I hope you're using the Bluetooth function in that car to talk to me." I got up and grabbed my AirPods to place one in my ear so I can multitask. I shuffled the rest of the papers into a manilla folder and walked to a file cabinet that was in the corner of the office.

"Yes, nigga damn, with your concern ass. Anyways, I called to see how are you doing mentally, physically, and socially. Did you settle properly into your home, have you met anyone yet? Are you taking your meds as you suppose to be?" Kook questioned, as I finished filing the documents. 

"Everything is straight and cool at the moment, I am going to finish and continue with settling in my house, I need more furniture and food. So that's what the rest of today and tomorrow will be spent on. I'm taking my meds, religiously and I met  a girl." I answered to the best of my ability as I logged out of my system locking everything up and making sure everything is secured. 

"A girl you say, what's she like?" I shrugged my shoulder and realized she couldn't see me. 

"She's alright so far, she's in school and she's a stud. She got an attitude with me at the moment because I had shit to do. But she'll get over it, I'll hit her before she goes to bed." I responded as I locked up my office using a fingerprint scanner. 

I nodded at my secretary as she handed me some more paperwork and left a sticky note on top of the mini stack to inform the contents. I mentally rolled my eyes and continued walking to the entrance of the warehouse. 

"Oh that's wassup I guess, look I'll shake one with you later this week and see what the move is for the shipment coming in a couple of days, ight?" She said as I heard her close her car door. 

"Ight, stay safe billy-boy," I replied as she bid me parting words as well. 

I made my way to my car as and opened the back seat and put the stack of papers on the floor. Closing the door and opened my door and slid in. I pushed start and place my seatbelt on. Mentally going over a checklist as I am preparing to head out.  I hoped she lost that attitude by the time I give her a call. 


Hope you enjoyed this chapter

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Peace Out Girl Scouts!

P.S. I made it to 2 Thousand reads how freaking awesome.

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