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Jaheem in MM
"Love is not a toy it will have you doing things you never thought you would do,but if you're  wise enough you wouldnt let love control you"

      "I just want to know why you the fuck you did it Ny ? Why couldn't you come to me and talk to me about it" heem signed putting his head in his hands. He wished he would have never came to this party let alone walked into the kitchen while she was there it was like the devil was fucking with him.

     "Can you please explain to me what I did heem ? What did I do that was so bad that made you go and cheat on me and act so cold towards me like you are now. I've never heard you speak to me this way and we've gotten into it plenty of times." Ny was scared hoping that he didn't say the one thing that would break her even more. She lived with this secret for so long that it'll break her if that's what he ended up finding out. She wouldn't be able to tell him face to face after 7 months that she made the biggest mistake of her life.

       " You keep saying cheat I had more respect for you than you obviously did for me. I was going through your phone one day trying to find that picture that you took of us where we just looked so happy and in love to surprise you with a locket and I saw the ultrasound picture and the lab results" he stopped for a second moving away from her so he wouldn't do something he regretted because at the moment he wanted to strangle the life out her for the life she took away from him.

    " I know I should have respected your privacy but I was so happy that you were carrying my child all I kept saying was ima be a father , ima be a father , ima be a father over and over in my head. And you want to know what's crazy Ny I know we're only 18 but at that moment I couldn't imagine having a child without you. I was so happy that it was you I was having a baby with because you made me feel whole and complete.

     So I did some more digging and you want to know what the fuck I found out. I found out that not only were you 16 weeks along but you also aborted my seed. My baby without even telling me first you didn't even respect me enough to help you through this or make that decision with you. Yes it's your body but that was also my blood growing in your stomach. We could have talked it out we could have figured it out together. You were going to let me spend the rest of my life not knowing you were pregnant and that's what hurt the most." Shaking his head he turned away from her not caring to even look at her. The thought of her made him want to throw up.

     He wasn't ready for a child but the thought of him having one made him smile on the inside. He probably would have agreed with her that they weren't ready and look at other options but she didn't even give him a chance to do that. He totally understands that when the baby is in the woman's body that's her choice but it just hurts him the most to know she felt like she had to sneak behind his back to have the abortion. And didn't even have the guts to tell him about it and she probably never would have if he wouldn't have mentioned it.

    She couldn't face him not right now she would have never guessed that he found out about the abortion. She thought she deleted everything off her phone it was like her world came crashing down. She looked up at heem and her heart broke even more she couldn't tell him why she really got the abortion because that would break him even more and make him hate her even more than he probably already does and if he was to put his hands on her by the end of this she wouldn't even be mad.

    Listening to him go on and on about a child that wasn't his really hurt her. She didn't cheat on heem she loved him too much to do that they were on a break because she was going through one of her episodes and asked for space. He gave it to her and she found herself drunk at a party and woke up in a bed naked. She felt so disgusted with herself because how could she let that happen ? She knew better than to leave herself so vulnerable and out in the open like that but she did it anyways. The worst part of it is that still to this day she couldn't tell if it was consent or not and that's what broke her heart into two. She never meant to sleep with anybody but she did and the fact that she couldn't remember it didn't do this situation any good.

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