Chapter 6

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It has been two days since I went to the park with Yuri and I haven't seen him since then. Maybe I should make some plans with him so we can hang out again. I don't want to sound to clingy or annoying though. I don't want to bother him or even waste his time on someone like me. I guess i'll just leave it 'til later on.

"Maxxxxxxxx," I yell out in a whiny voice.

"What is it F/N?" Max replies walking into the room with an unamused expression across his face. He stands at the doorway with his arms crossed.

"I'm hungry. What are we getting for lunch?" I ask with a grin plastered on my face.

"What did you want for lunch?" He asks clearly unimpressed because I made him walk all that way for nothing.

"Literally anything I don't care. I'm just so hungry I think I'm gonna die," I say, exaggerating the word 'die' and re-enacting my 'death' on the couch.

"You're so over-dramatic F/N," Max says chuckling as he walks out of the room.

"Pleaseeeeeeeee," I say even louder. Max's footsteps stop for a moment, then I hear a faint 'ok then' coming from the other room. I fist pump into the air in triumph, then drop back onto the couch. I am so lucky to have Max. I would die without him.

--- Time skip to after lunch ---

Lunch was as good as usual. Pizza was on the menu, as it always is, due to my unhealthy obsession with it. After lunch I had a few hours to myself to relax. And that got me thinking. I need an idea. A strong one. One that has never been done before, ever...

I need to plan a new routine. One strong enough to astound the judges. One that can hopefully convince them to let me skate in the male championships.

At lunch earlier today, Max he told me something I was so astonished to hear. If I can impress the judges immensely, they will agree to let me skate with the male skaters my age. This is such a big opportunity for me. I can't let this go. The judges state that the routine has to be performed in front of a giant crowd. A minimum of 10,000 people. More than what most of the female ice skaters will ever skate in front of. I will have to do a number of my previous performances before I have to do my routine. They 'supposedly' won't judge my earlier performances for that day, but I know better than to let my guard down. I will try my best in every performance I do.

So I need to figure out a routine that has never been performed before. Something the judges would never even have dreams about. 

And I have a plan.

I continue to work on my plan until Max walks through the door and straight to the couch where I am. He interrupts my thoughts while he offers me a donut. I take the donut and quickly take a bite out of it before I say thank you. We sit there in silence for a minute or two before Max decides to speak up.

"What's wrong F/N?" Max asks  me while looking straight at the TV that has been turned off.

"Nothing. Why?" I reply back to him, still looking straight ahead.

Max turns to look at me. I know he's staring at me but I keep my head forward. I continue to eat my donut and pretend I don't notice Max glaring at me. All of a sudden, Max puts his hand on my cheek and moves my head to face his.

"What is wrong F/N," he says. "I wont repeat myself again,"

After a few minutes of silence, I decide to speak up.
"I'm worried," I mumble. "I don't want to mess this up. It's my one and only chance to change history. To be a better version of who I already am. I'm scared Max. I really am," I sigh and put my head down.

"Do you have a plan? Or at least any idea on what will be in your routine?" Max asks me with a frazzled look upon his face. I nod in response to his question, then his face goes back to being relatively calm.

"Well let's work on it then. I'll get everything you need prepared for you and then I'll make you train. I'll make you train harder and longer than you have ever done before." Max grabs my shoulders and makes me focus on what he says next. "I need to get you ready for this F/N. But more importantly, I need to get you to believe that YOU yourself can do it. No one else. Only you can do this F/N. I need you to have faith in yourself, and have faith in me."

Max stands up and walks in front of me. He pulls out his hand in gesture of pulling me up. But before I reach out and grab his hand, Max starts talking again.

"Do you trust me F/N?" Max says with pure hope and determination in his voice.

"Of course I do," I reply, and I take his hand.

His Skating Queen (Yuri(o) Plisetsky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now