Chapter 2: Time to Practice

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Chi Akari: Student 29

I wondered what Chiba was doing last night. He was being strangely intimate. Why did he kiss my forehead? Was it because he remove something on there? Dunno.

But still, he has been like this for the last two weeks. He used to respect my space and I respected his space. Is he practicing moves for an assassination?


I pulled on my hoodie and grabbed my bag and phone and went up to school.

The trip to school was very uneventful. I bypassed a few Kuningoaka students but they didn't know me. I recognised one as the number one student in the school. If I wanted, I could be in class A and overthrow the principal but I have bigger fish to fry. Or octopuses.

They were naïve if they were expecting that the E Class would bow down before them.

I hopped on the train and realized there was practically no space. I would have to stand next to the tangerine. I sighed.

The person who I had dubbed tangerine for the rest of said person's life was reading a textbook about science. What is he, a nerd!

Well I exited the train station and went up the mountain. I was about to walk away from said tangerine but he grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

I gave him a what the hell are you doing look as he dragged me over to a isolated area and placed me there. He asked, "Why aren't you in the A Class." I responded with a nonchalant response, "Cause I'm dumb." "Then why are your test scores so good, even better than mine?" "Because they aren't mine." "Don't play me for a fool, I looked at your records and you got 500 out of 500 on your entrance exam."

I simply stand there and sigh. Then walk away. "Hey! Where are you going! I'm not done with you yet!" I simply punched him in the face and he fell to the ground unconscious.

I walked up the mountain path up to the school listening to songs when I suddenly ran into a tree. I slapped my head for my stupidity and continued my trek up the mountain. But after only 5 steps, I heard a snigger that sounded a lot like a certain person I knew. "Chiba...... I know you're there." He sighed and jumped down from the tree, almost silently, and came behind me. "Are you sure we should make this an assassination using hidden identities Chi-Chan? I mean, we fail once and we lose the advantage." "We may as well use this to our advantage."

He nodded. We didn't talk for the rest of the trip up. It was always like this, just mutual respect. It never went beyond those lines.

When I arrived at the classroom I smelled a strong scent of sulphur and gagged. I walked in the classroom and found a certain octopus giving himself a manicure. Wait....... He doesn't have nails! What sorcery is this!

I pulled out an AK-47 loaded with anti-sensei bullets and started doing the spray and pray. He shrieked and ran outside. Coward. A certain no-eyed sniper freak jumped through the open window and landed beside me and ruffled my hair. I screamed and dashed outside the classroom.

What. The. Fork. Why am I surrounded by voluntarily autistic people. I may be unsociable but Chiba-kun uses that and he exploits it ruthlessly. Sad. So sad.

I came back into the class and noticed that everyone was already backin class, wait..... How did they get in. I looked across the room and noticed the shattered glass windows. Oh. That happened. Whatever.

I sat down on my chair and waited for the paranoid teacher to come back in. When he came back in a shot another round at him making him jump. "Chi-San, could you please stop firing at me?" "Nope!" Was my reply. I was having way too much fun.

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