Chapter 3: Time for Drugs

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???: Student 30

"Who would expect the night reaper to be so nice so quickly? Even after all that she does?" I twirled around in my chair flipping a pen around in my hand. I pulled out my laptop and started to type some lines into the hacking system. I grinned. I clicked my fingers.

The lights grew dim
The shadows cut through the walls
The curtains closed
"These people are going to be very, very interesting."
I spun around in my chair to reveal two suited people
"What do you two think?"

Chi Akari: Student 29

I felt a shudder crawl down my spine. I felt nauseous. My eyes started to dart back and forth uncomfortably. It can't be her right? Right? Yeah, it can't be her......
I watched as my classmates start to head off without me down the hill.
Hurriedly, I gathered my thoughts and ran down after them.

I caught up to Chiba - kun and started to walk at a regular pace, aligning my footsteps with him, whilst skewing my face away from him.

I felt poke on my shoulder. Then another one. And another.

I turned around a slapped his hand out of the way, and had a annoyed expression on my face. I sighed and turned my face away from him, whilst walking at a faster pace than him.

I watched as my classmates had the time of their life talking to each other, having fun, trying to ignore the sense of impending doom that the baseball pitch that was slowing coming into view brought.

I had tiny smirk on my face as I headed down the hill with my fellow classmates. I spun around and looked at Chiba-kun and beamed at him. He stood there shocked and blushing. I stopped then started to stretch his cheeks wildly. "Hello? You alive? Is Chiba-kun there?"

"Who are you and what have you done to Chi?"

I gasped feigning mock hurt then started pouting and crossed my hands over my chest. I then skipped down the hill.

Chiba Ryūnosuke: Student 15

This isn't normal. She isn't usually like this. What happened? Something has to have happened. I'll question her after school.

After making a mental note to question her unusual behaviour, I headed downwards to catch up with the others, as I had been left in the dust while I was thinking of her behaviour just then.

While I was walking I watched her behaviour. She was normal, except for a slight, near unnoticeable twitch every few seconds. More things I need to ask her about. She had been scratching her arm for a while.

I ran after her and tapped her on the shoulder. She spun around and spat, "What do you want?!" But her tone was not what shocked me. What shocked me were her eyes. Earlier I wasn't paying that much attention, but now that I was on alert as her earlier actions had set alarm bells running through my head.

Her pupils were contracted and you could barely see the red veins all over her eyes. I paled. "Chi...... are you......" "Shut up! I'm not!" She looked skinny. Her skin was hanging on to her bones and she looked tired. How did I not notice before?

I watched in a daze as I watched her spew out a list of lies while she tried to deny all implications towards her. I waited until she has finished and then grabbed her arm and hugged her. "Why Chi? Why....."

She struggled to get out of his grip, and all of a sudden just dug her nails into my arm. Surprised by the sudden attack I let go of her. She pulled out a fancy looking gun, then pressed it to the side of my head.

"Wait, wait, wait let's talk about thi...."


"I'm sorry....."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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