The Yearbook

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Hoseok sat on his bed, flipping through Hyungwon's graduation yearbook to keep himself occupied while Hyungwon slept.

"Chae Hyungwon"

There you are. A small smile appeared on his lips as he gazed at his boyfriend's yearbook photo.

He flipped through a few more pages until he reached the end of the yearbook.

He never made it inside.

Leaning back on his pillows, he began to reminisce his time in high school. It was the best and worst part of his life.

Worst because never in his life had he gotten himself into so much trouble. He had smoked, played truant and bullied a few people in high school, landing himself into so much trouble he was eventually expelled.

It was horrible until Hyungwon came along. It was Hoseok's last year in high school.

Hoseok hugged a pillow as he slowly got lost in his thoughts.


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