The Awakening

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Hoseok traced the scars on his forearm. He owed his life to Hyungwon. Soon after he was discharged, he found a temporary job at a library shelving books, which helped him get up on his feet again.

After his short stint at the library, he found a job at a nearby café, where he worked almost every day to earn just enough to pay for his rent and meals.

He still worked at the café, but ever since he acquired his barista license, he had a lot more flexible working hours, allowing him to visit Hyungwon on every other day.

Hyungwon, on the other hand, graduated from high school and went on to college, where he studied psychology. Hoseok never heard from Kihyun again. It was rumored he had moved overseas.

Hoseok rested his chin on his knees, his fingers still tracing his scars absentmindedly. He was deep in thought until someone pulled his hand away from his arm.

He looked up and saw Hyungwon standing over him.

"Thinking about it again?" Hyungwon sat down beside him and crossed his legs. Hoseok nodded quietly. Hyungwon pulled Hoseok against him and hugged him tightly.

"It's all over now. All that matters now is that you've got me, no matter what happens."

Hyungwon pressed his lips against Hoseok's forehead and gently.

When he pulled away, he noticed the tears on Hoseok's cheeks. "Don't cry, alright." He wiped his tears away and pressed Hoseok's head against his chest.

It was at that moment, Hyungwon made a silent promise to himself that he'd protect Hoseok's life with his own.

He heard Hoseok sniffle a little. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry." Hoseok rubbed his eyes. Hyungwon didn't reply. He simply wrapped an arm around Hoseok's waist and laid his head on top of Hoseok's.

"It's okay." He stroked Hoseok's cheeks gently with his fingertips. "Also," he said, reaching behind him, "I got you a present."

He handed Hoseok a small, wrapped present. "Open it."

Hoseok carefully peeled off the wrapping paper, revealing a brown cardboard box. Opening it, he pulled out a snow globe.

In the snow globe were two little statues, both male, holding each other in a tight embrace. "I had to get it custom-made, you know," Hyungwon said, breaking the silence.

Hoseok put it beside him and turned to face Hyungwon. "Thank you."

Hyungwon smiled and nodded. He tilted Hoseok's chin upwards and gave him a long and sweet kiss.

"Merry Christmas, my love."


The fic ends here but their love for each other doesn't... ;)

Hope you enjoyed it! I apologise if there are any grammatical/spelling/punctuation errors.

MERRY CHRISTMAS, MY LOVE [✓]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang