Part 4

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Okay, before I start, I need to make an announcement.

Considering that I'm too obsessed reading fanfictions to actually concentrate on my own, I decided that I'm going to end this story after Chapter 5. Sorry guys D:

I'll conclude as best as I can :) I might add an Epilogue if I get enough reads ;) Plus, my schedule is getting pretty busy, and I don't wanna leave u guyz hanging after every chapter. 

So without further adieu, Chapter 4!

Louis' POV

I woke up to the sweet scent of french toast and bacon. Not wanting to get up just yest, I remained face down on the bed, and waited for Harry to come wake me up.

"LOUIS! GET UP!" Okay, not exactly the good morning I was expecting. I winced, for I hadn't heard Liam and NIall walk into my room.

I groaned as Niall tried to shake me up. "Five more minutes? Pretty please?"

"Fine, but you know Harry's cold french toast isn't as good when warm." Liam winked, and the two boys walked out.

Harry's face in my mind, I forced myself to get up. I swung my feet over the side of the bed, and walked out, not bothering to even see what I looked like.

Harry's POV

"He's coming!" Niall sang as he skipped into the kitchen.

"Good, my second batch of french toast is ready!" I smiled and set it down at the table in front of Zayn, who was already patting his stomach before digging in.

"Come on, Zayn! Leave some for me!"

I turned to see Louis in the doorway. Gosh, he looked gorgeous. His hair was messy, and stuck out in all directions. His bright blue eyes shone with laughter as he grinned like a little kid. And of course, he hadn't bothered to put on a shirt.

"Checking me out, are ya Haz?" Louis smirked as he walked up to where I was standing, blushing, at the table.

"Hell ya I am, 'cause you are just looking sexy as always," I winked, as he laughed, and grew a tad red. I walked back into the kitchen. 

As I turned to face the stove, when I felt two arms wrap around my waist. Startled, I turned to see Louis' smirking face only inches from mine. 

"You are a dirty little bastard, ya know that?" He whispered in my ear, and reached up to twirl my curls. A smirk spread across his face.

Goosebumps grew all over my body, and his smirk grew even more. 

"And how am I a dirty little bastard, Boo?" I whispered back as I stared into his blue eyes.

"Because you stare at me, instead of telling me you love me." 

I froze for a second, before we grew into a fit of laughter. 

"Wanna hear it then?" I asked as the laughter died down. 

"Yeah, I do." He smiled, and waited for me to say it.

"I love you, Boobear." His face grew red as I cracked up and pulled him in for a hug.

"Love you too, Hazza," Louis laughed.

Well, he may not mean it in the way I do, but I can always dream, right?

Yupperz so you just read the second to last chapter of The Direction Never Changes :)

So if you actually liked this, then vote, and please leave a comment! I would love to hear what you guys think ;D

Luv ya guyz! You are the motiviation for me getting off my lazy butt and writing this chapter ;)

xoxo Michy

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