Chapter 4

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For the first couple of minutes of the audition, the rest of the girls were standing there in complete awe from looking at the boyband that stand in front of us deciding what questions to ask. I just know this audition will be hard as already half of the girls are working their charms by twiddling their hair and fixing the cute outfits they were wearing.

I was daydreaming, looking not at bts but at a little bird laying on a small nest it had made on a tree that stood outside facing the window. I wouldn't be able to daydream looking at bts, do you really think I could look at them straight in the eye?

I was still staring at the little bird until one of the members spoke quite loudly. "Girls, I'm 100% certain you know who we are but we want to know who you are so tell us a little about yourself" Jimin said with a satisfied look on his face after he asked the question.

One of the girls immediately walked forward a little to talk. "Hey I'm Cho-a, I'm 16 and came to the Busan audition. I'm good at singing and especially good at dancing I hope you can give me a chance as I have a lot to offer even though I'm only 16 but yeah thanks a lot" she said quite quickly, I guess she was just excited. I mean who wasn't.

"Oh okay cool" jimin said like he was slightly taken aback by how much stuff she had said without taking a breath "ok who's next?" Hobi said as he stood next to jimin.

"Me I'm next" another said who was stood beside me "I'm A-yeong and I also came to the Busan audition. I like to play the guitar and I run street dance classes in my extra time. I'm a vegetarian too because everything deserves a chance including animals" she said sounding very strong about her beliefs. If that's what she believes fair play for sticking to it I guess.

"Oh wow that must be cool" tae said smiling happily then following up with "so who's next ? "

Well definitely not me. This reminds me of one of them counselling circle things.

After A-yeong had spoke, 2 more girls spoke, one was very out there stating and I quote "hi I'm char-rin and i personally think that I've got this, I have everything. There's no competition" I was a little taken a back by her words of confidence but maybe that's just her.

The 2nd girl was probably the only on who I'd actually socialise with. I think her name was da-eun and she was 21. She's my type of person, we're quite alike... only she was pretty and skinny and I was a blob. Also she was a lot more accepting of herself than I am. To be honest, I think she'd get sick of me and my depressing way towards life if we were ever friends.

Once da-eun had finished speaking, I knew that I had to talk about myself next. I mean what the hell do I say "I'm (y/n) and I'm depressing, boring and antisocial" ? No I definitely can't say that, I'll have to take this seriously. I can't believe I'm getting another chance at this. I need to do it right.

Jimin stood back up because he had sat down at the start of the 3rd audition. Why is he standing up ?This is a little intimidating. "Finally, you at the end there, it's your turn. You look a little scared, are you ok?" He said not coming further than the table (he probably thinks I'm going to throw up on his leather jeans or something)

" y...y...yeah I'm fine I just don't know what to say" I really don't

"Well just say how you truly feel" yoongi said standing up and walking next to jimin.

"Oh w...well, I'm (y/n) and I'm 17. I don't exactly know how I've been given another chance as I completely messed up my first audition" I immediately regret saying this, but I was told to say how I truly feel. As soon as yoongi said that, the words just wouldn't stop falling out of my mouth.

"and how did you mess up?" Jungkook said, suddenly looking like he was a little enticed with my words.

"Oh well, I can't dance" I said looking down at the ground sheepishly like the floor was going to take me away, out of this awkward situation. I felt my cheeks flush as I was waiting for an answer off of the idols.

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