Chapter 3

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The following few days were all a blur. The only thing that was on my mind was how I've completely shattered my dreams into a million tiny little pieces. As a result I didn't focus on schoolwork and my attitude towards the people I love turned sour.

As I walked home from school one of the days after, I think it was the Tuesday, I noticed a conversation going on between a group of girls who weren't in the same school as me.

"So your name wasn't on the come back list, for the BigHit idol thing" one of the girls behind me asked.

"No it wasn't ok, now stop talking about it. I wanted to meet jimin and now I can't so please just mind your own damn business" the other girl replied sounding like she was quite salty.

Ha she doesn't get to meet Jimin... wait Jimin? Park jimin? BigHit? Idol? This is about the audition. A call back list ? Oh my god how didn't I know? (Probably because I was too busy loathing myself) but wait I'll have to see if chan-mi made this list. Of course I wouldn't be on there but now my main priority is too support my best friend. She deserves it a lot more than I do.
After hearing all I needed to, I made a run for home. Quite a bit of  the hatred I was feeling toward my lousy audition was swept away out of my thoughts and replaced by hope that my best friend had made it.
I arrived back home, falling up the stairs as I went up, I guess that's how excited I was. Come on chan-mi, you'll definitely be on that list. When I got to my room, I locked the door, quickly slipped on lounge clothes, jumped onto my bed and switched on my computer to search through my emails. And there it was in all its glory the email sent to me from BigHit Entertainment.

"Thanks for your audition in our Seoul location. Unfortunately we could only choose around 3 to 5 girls who we believe have the potential to become an idol"

Well there's me out of it then.

"We listed the names at the bottom of this email and would like the following names to come to a further audition on Thursday 25th of February. This audition does not require you to sing or dance. This audition is purely for the fact that we need to see personalities before we enlist our idol"

I'm not being funny but why didn't they send a different email to the ones like me who didn't make it through?

"The names we'd like to see again are as follows
A-yeong 18
Char-rin 19
Cho-a 16
Da-eun 21
(Y/n) 17
We like to congratulate the 5 girls who made it this far and also congratulate the other girls who sadly didn't.
We hope you have more opportunities in the future,
BigHit Entertainment."

Wait why the hell isn't Chan-me on here? She deserves if she is amazing at singing. Amazing at dancing. She's got it all. There must have been some sort of terrible mistake, I must check again to see if they misspelt her name. Or was her name there and I just didn't notice. I haven't been focusing the last few days that must be it.

I scanned through the email again and saw something which shocked me a lot more than not seeing Chan-mi. There it was (y/n) 17 there on the email. What the hell, why am I on there. I messed my audition up. I was utterly gobsmacked this wasn't supposed to happen. They chose me (the definition of the word mediocre) over over my amazing talented best friend. How?

I quickly rang Chan-mi to see if she had found out what I had but her phone went straight to voice mail. I had to know if she'd read the email so I left her a lot of messages with kind of implied I was hyperventilating from shock.

How did this happen, to me? Anyone else yeah but me never!

I've had enough of all this shock for one day. I need my sleep.

Their idol Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant