•1• Crash

911 29 11

Tom chugged the rest of the contents inside his flask, groaning in frustration when it had emptied.

His silent apartment adding to the paranoia that he had tried to drown away with booze. He got up and grabbed his trademark blue sweater from where it was previously flung on the sofa.

He opened his door, checking for his wallet and keys, before almost saying a goodbye out of habit. He hadn't gotten used to living apart from Edd and Matt yet.

He trudged down the apartment's corridor. Grimacing as he passed Tord's room. Ever since Tord had come back (again) and moved in, Tom would stay in his own room, making sure to avoid the communist by any means necessary.

Tom sighed before descending down the stairs and out of the main door.
Tom got into his car, which he had bought not too long ago, and started driving. Tom scolded himself for driving while slightly intoxicated, but shrugged it off, he wasn't going far anyways.

Just then he got a text from the very person he didn't want to think about at the moment:

Tord: Hey

Tom huffed, before shooting back a quick reply.

Tom: What do you want?

Tord: Jesus.. calm down, I just wanted to see what you were doing.

Tord: after all, I haven't seen you since I moved in.

Tom: And there's a reason for that, now leave me alone. I'm driving.


Tord: ...I'm really sorry Tom.

Tom was about to retort before hearing a car horn. His gaze shot up, seeing the oncoming truck right before it fully hit him, he quickly jerked the steering wheel to the left, thinking he got out of it.

He sighed before feeling his car compress from the passenger's side. He screamed as his head hit the dashboard with a loud crash. His airbags shot out too late, he felt his oxygen supply cut off and felt as if his lungs had been crushed. A sickening crack was heard as he tried to move. His abdomen and up feeling numb.

Through all the white noise he could only think of one thing.


Amnesia| TomTord/TordTomWhere stories live. Discover now