•3• ReIntroduction

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Edd laughed nervously.
"What do you mean Tom? That's Tord!"

Tom's confused face further concerned the others.

"I.. don't know a Tord.." Tom said a bit worried himself, Edd and Matt exchanged glances while Tord stared at Tom dumbfounded.

"B-But.. you have to remember me!" Tord started, "We had a mutual hate for each other... remember?!"

Tom jumped a bit startled at Tord's outburst, he racked his brain over and over again for a memory of the man with the strange accent... Was it Norwegian?

"Are you... By chance... Norwegian?" Tom asked, Tord smiled excitedly.

"Yes! Do you remember me?" Tord asked happily, Tom frowned and shook his head,

"No, I can tell by your accent.." Tom laughed nervously, "Sorry.."

Tord's face dropped, he simply sighed before waving a hand dismissively. He scratched his chin trying to think how to get Tom to remember him. He jumped when he thought of an idea, he excused himself from the room and raced downstairs to the main lobby to ask the front desk if they had recovered any items belonging to Tom.

The receptionist asked him for his I.D to see that he was listed under Tom's emergency contacts (Which Tord found surprising and slightly touching.), the lady handed him Tom's wallet, keys, and phone. 'Bingo!' Tord smiled to himself, he raced back upstairs to Tom's room and barged in the room.

Edd and Matt watched Tord's actions closely, they watched as Tord handed Tom his phone and stepped back expectantly, Tom, remembering his phone password, unlocked the phone and checked through his messages as Tord instructed. Tord pointed to the contact that was named 'Commie Fucker', which they both found a bit vulgar, Tom tapped on the messages to find a bunch of them unread.

"The last message you saw was this one.. That must have been the last one you read before you crashed..." Tord pointed at one message that read '...I'm really sorry Tom.' and frowned. Tom looked at Tord and back down to the messages.

"What were you sorry for...?" Tom questioned, Tord flinched before Matt stepped in and smiled at the both of them.

"How about we get the doctor to bring you a wheelchair and get you discharged from the hospital?"

Edd nodded his head,

"I'll go get the doctor, Tord you can go get Tom discharged, and Matt.... Stay with Tom." He said, the rest nodded and scattered, Matt looked back at Tom and hugged him tightly.

"I'm glad you're safe, Tim..." Matt whispered as Tom hugged back with one hand.

"It's Tom."


Tord arrived before Edd, a hospital receipt in hand, he smiled sadly at Tom who returned it with an unsure smile of his own.

When Edd came back he parked the wheelchair beside Tom's bed and backed away, the three had a mini-debate on who would help Tom into his wheelchair, Tord ended up losing the intense rock-paper-scissors match.

Tom was partially pissed off, he hadn't even weighed that much. And it was just overall offensive that they had to argue over it. Tord rolled his eyes once he had seen Tom's pout, Tord picked Tom up from his armpits, careful not to disturb his injured arm too much and plopped him down on the wheelchair.

Tom winced as his leg hit the ground

I never finished this chapter but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging so..
Thanks for your support and for reading!
Luv u all

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