•2• Memory

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Tord paced the floor while Edd and Matt sat still. All of them panicking and dealing with the anxiety in their own way.

Matt, for once, wasn't trying to find a mirror, nor looking at one.

Edd had a dull look, his eyes unfocused as he stared at his shoes.

Tord was silent as he paced the floor, going back and forth. Eyes trained on nothing but the ground.

All of them silent as they waited for news of an update, anything, really.

Finally, a doctor emerged, holding a small clipboard and pen tapping away at the item. Tord, Edd, and Matt all perked up with expectancy of news.
Which the doctor supplied.

"Well you're friend is no longer in critical condition. He does however, have small fractures and a few broken bones, nothing time won't fix though."

"Can we see him?" Edd asked, the doctor nodded and walked away into another room.

The three boys made their way into their friend's room. Only to see him glancing out the small window beside his hospital bed. Matt cleared his throat, which brought his attention to the three.

That's when Tord finally got a look at Tom's injuries. His head was bandaged, a few spiky strands peeking through them, his nose and forehead was a dark purple against his pale skin, and his arm and both of his legs were trapped in a cast.

Edd and Matt broke his train of thought when they ran over to Tom and embraced him tightly.

"Ow! You guys. I'm still sore!" Tom yelped, the duo pulled back with a guilty expression.

Tom sighed before he clutched both of their hoodies with his one available hand, and pulled them both back into an embrace.

The three laughed in joy while Tord stood off to the side, feeling a bit left out. That's when Tom's attention turned to him. Tord perked up as they made eye contact.

The next few words shattered Tord's heart and worried them all immensely.

"Guys... Who's that?"

Amnesia| TomTord/TordTomWhere stories live. Discover now