Chapter 11

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*lauras pov*

Me and Lucas have been in the office for a good 20 minutes waiting for our parents to come pick us up.

Lucas got up and sat down beside me.

"Go away Lucas" I said

"Laura please, I'll never do that again" he said

"You're lucky your mom doesn't care what you do, my mom does" I said

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too!" He said

"stop go away" I said

"I'll make it up to you" he said

"just leave me alone Lucas, I don't get why you're so fucking attached to me, because I'm not ever gonna be attached to you!" I said

He got up and left.

*lucas pov*

Those words hurt me, but I guess she will change her mind later on, she just gotta get used to me...

I got up and went to the the principal.

"Yes Lucas?" The principal said

"Well, the whole janitor idea and skipping class was my idea ma'am, I forced her, she didn't want too but I grabbed her hand and told her to follow me, I don't want to cause any trouble with Laura" I said

"Well, she had the chance to go to class, and she didn't, so 4 day suspension, both of you" principal said

I sighed and went back to my original seat, far from Laura.

I couldn't stop staring at her, I probably should stop before she catches me staring, which will not end up good...

*lauras pov*

I got a text from my mom saying she's here and about to come in the office.

I saw my mom walk in looking really angry.

"Laura what did you do now?!" She said getting mad at me.

"Mom I'm sorry it wasn't on purpose!" I said

"You're grounded! No TV, No hanging out with friends anymore" she said

"But mom! It was an accident! I won't do it again!!" I said

"I don't care Laura, high school is your responsibility, not mine, not the teachers,neither your friends, whatever you do in high school is on you" mom said

I rolled my eyes and got up my seat to go to the car

"Laura I'm sorry" Lucas whispered on the way out.

"leave me alone" I said

I walked out of the office and went home with my mom. Well i guess suspension means I get 4 days off of school which is awesome, except the fact that I'm grounded...

"Mom, I am so sorry" I said

"Go to your room right now" she said

I quickly ran upstairs and jumped on my bed and started crying.

I pulled out my phone to text Marcus.

"Marcus, I got suspended because I skipped class, only like 15 minutes of class!" I texted

I waited  Marcus answered...
He answered 5 minutes after I texted

"Cool" he said

"Are you okay?" I said

"Laura don't act like you don't know" Marcus said

"Don't know what!!?" I said

"I saw what you did when you slept at my house" he said

"What did I do?" I said

"You kissed Lucas!" He said

"Oh my god, you were awake" I said

"Yeah Laura, I was... you broke my heart too" he said

"But Marcus I like you still" I said

"No Laura, I don't think I even like you anymore, I don't even think I have emotions right now so please just leave me alone" he texted.

"Marcus please I'm sorry" I said

He left me on read and I cried myself to sleep..

•to be continued•

I just went into high school, and everyone is so pretty and skinny and has a perfect body and I'm here like 💩, I always look in the mirror and I swear to god I literally puke. But just a friendly reminder that always cheers me up!; never care about what people think of you because if you do, it'll just put more stress in ur head, and next thing you know, you're going to stress so much, and you won't be able to keep up with things, so stay positive and be yourself. I love you guys, goodnight 💘

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