Chapter 24

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*lauras pov*

I ran fast back to the gym and Marcus was already their...

"Why did you take so long?" The teacher asked

"Uh what I'm sorry" I said

Everybody started staring at me and I felt weird

"Alright today we are going to be playing dodgeball so I'm going to divide you guys into two teams" the teacher said

He started splitting the class and I was wishing not to be teams with Marcus..

"Okay Laura you are 1, Dylan you're 2 and Marcus 1" the teacher said

"fuck my life" I said to myself

"I heard that" Marcus said

"Good" I said back

I got up and ran to the corner of the gym and layed down on the floor for the game. Marcus came beside me and sat down.

"Marcus why are you still here?" I said

"Laura just please" he said

"look I'm dating ur brother, how in the world would you just come into the changeroom and try to have sex with me if you know I'm dating lucas, he's your own brother how dare you" I said

"Look you're right but I have crazy emotions for you" he said

"We'll learn to deal with them because I will never ever date you or even think of having sex with you" I said

"Did you have sex with Lucas?" He asked

"Why do you care?" I asked

"Because If u had it with him, you can have it with my there's no difference" he said and winked

"Actually there is a difference" I said

"Ya that my dick is bigger" he said

"No, that you're just a pervert who wants to fuck probably every girl in the school so please just leave me alone" I said and got up and went to the other corner of the gym

*skip gym*

I went back to the changeroom and changed and went back to my locker and put my stuff away.

"ur gonna regret this" Marcus said whispering in my ear and touching my ass.

"Don't touch me" I said and turned back and nobody was their...

He was all the way down the hall when I turned back...

I started looking around for Lucas.

"Woah you okay?" Lucas said bumping into me

"oh yeah I'm fine... I was looking for you" I said

"Oh you need to talk?" He asked

"Uhh no, just want to be with you right now..." I said

"Alright" he said holding my hand

We walked down the halls and skipped 2nd period.

•to be continued•
Short chapter ;(

Not rlly in a good mood today, its 7:00 in the morning and schools in an hour and it's so boring you don't even know.

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